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The press kinda amuses me.


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Now the shooting in arizona was a tragedy, and there is already a thread about that, I just wanted to jump on my little soap box here about the press, and how things are packaged for mass distrobution.

when the story first broke, they had a stock photo of the suspect...


Then apparently, someone thought, "No, he doesn't look CRAZY enough in that picture, find me another one, this one makes him look normal"

then they come back with this on day 2.


then someone said "yeah, thats better, but not quite crazy enough, don't we have one better still?"

the next day they come back with this...


They then said "YES! this is it, this makes him look good and crazy, now lets doctor it up even more to give him a more sinister look!" so they photoshop graininess or horizontal dark lines or adjust the brightness such that his eyes are super dark.

How long until they photoshop a sith hood on him? Or paint the red jigsaw spirals on his cheeks...

has anyone else noticed this?

What gives?

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