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LoL.. not even as dumb as some of my customers.

Me: "Here you go. She's all serviced and ready to rock."

Customer: "Um... looks good' date=' but why is there oil spewing from the bottom of the engine?"

Me: "Why are you so stupid!?!?!" : punches customer in the nuts and runs away:[/quote']

I see you skipped the torque wrench again on another customer's bike, ehhh

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The same "teams of engineers " covers some of my job too, Speedy.

Awhile back, when i was wrenching on cars at BP Procare, customer walks in and says he needs his goalie fix.

Um what kind of car? show me

on the side of the build is parked a late 80's Pontaic 6000 LE, guy thought it was a G not a 6, and called it a G000LE


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