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Cross Country


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If this is addressed in another post, I am sorry, I did a search and did not see it.

I am thinking of doing a ride to FLA or somewhere like that this spring or as soon as the weather breaks. With that said, I have never done more then a day trip on a bike. So my question to the masses is: What should I bring? What should I prepare for? Sure I know I need to be ready for weather, both good and bad, but what else? Are certain hotel chains more bike friendly then others? I am looking for general advice for this.

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Congrats on prepping for your first long-distance trip. I've done those rides a few times myself, and I hope to finally make it down to Florida eventually.

I write a blog and this earlier entry is a set of guidelines I wrote for one of my old motorcycle chapters. Of course, this is from my own personal experiences so I do suggest talking to other riders and tailoring their tips to your needs. Of course, a lot of this will come from trial and error...:D.


Good luck! Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.

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The key to a good trip is getting there and back. So I would say make sure you check your tires (pressure and tread), change your oil, oil your chain, and just check the bike over. If your mechanically inclined most bike shops will do this for you. beyond that everything is up to the rider. I have rode my r1 over 1500 miles in three days with nothing but two pairs of clothes but some people perfer to bring along all kinds of stuff

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I might use a tent on other trips, but I think for my first I will go the hotel/motel route. Props for getting a tent to match the bike.

Nothing wrong with that...camping can be a hassle. For a first trip, it saves weight and shit to pack.

One thing I do to keep packing down is just have a 2 base layer quick-dry t-shirts, socks and undergarments...just enough to fit an extra pair in a backpack. Carry a small bottle of Whisk or whatever to clean them in the hotel sink at night, they'll dry by morning. Viola...whole trip can be done with only 1 change other than walking around clothes.

Don't overpack...there's a Walmart at every fucking town in America...don't sweat the small stuff, just bring tools that do all the important stuff.

Buy the Automatic renewal AMA membership - includes roadside assistance for $39, best deal out there. Between that and a credit card, you have everything you need.

Listen to episode 58 of the Pace Podcast, the guys from Mototour did a cross country and talk a good bit about preparation. (they answered one of my questions on there too).


Edited by swingset
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