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Android 3.0


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I'm excited to see how well it plays on tablets. Right now, Android on larger screens sucks ass.

Google has always said the other versions weren't meant to be used on tablets. They wanted theirs to be more than just a bigger phone w/o the phone.

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Google has always said the other versions weren't meant to be used on tablets. They wanted theirs to be more than just a bigger phone w/o the phone.

But unfortunately, dozens of tablets running Android 2.1 and 2.2 have already been released. Google didn't really get a say in that. So right out of the gates, people have a bad taste in their mouths with Android tablets. I really hope 3.0 just fucking rocks. Hopefully it's a game changer.

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But unfortunately, dozens of tablets running Android 2.1 and 2.2 have already been released. Google didn't really get a say in that. So right out of the gates, people have a bad taste in their mouths with Android tablets. I really hope 3.0 just fucking rocks. Hopefully it's a game changer.

I absolutely agree. Samsung was the one company that should have had more patience before pushing an Android based tablet, it just ended up looking horrible especially since it was so small. The iPad despite its popularity isn't much better though. Apple really should have done more to the iOS interface specifically for tablets. Having used both quite a bit for different uses I can't understand why so many jumped on either device. I'm hoping the Xoom is the first good real start at a tablet type device. Fortunately Apple should be announcing iPad gen2 in March which is close enough to do some real comparisons before deciding which to get.

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