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Big brother and their amazing speed traps!


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Speed traps are common on the highways heading into and out of Las Vegas, Dornsife said. Department of Transportation records indicate traffic could handle 80 mph but a 70 mph zone is strictly enforced. Even side streets have traffic stops, one motorist noted on Speedtrap.org.

I have seen this first hand! Never gotten a ticket but have seen a lot of people pulled over. There are spots where the speed limits drop when they really shouldn't be that low.

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I tell you man, hearing shit like you just said makes me happy I can control my thoughts and not do anything stupid. I would love for some fucking crazy ass to step up and get ballistic for everyone out there that is tired of this shit. I'm sooo sick of how things are ran that I'm beyond sick and tired of it. JMO. ;)

Disclaimer: I've been drinking

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Man there is a road here in Dayton called Far Hills or 48, that goes 35, then 45, then 35, then 45....I see cops sitting near the transition a lot. The thing that gets me started though is the speed cameras coming up soon and then reading how shit like this is going on all over the nation. Speeding is becoming the biggest crime in America. Cops that bust every little speeder are sell outs to their own human race in my opinion and need there nuts cut off. Yeah, I'm sick of it, sorry. ;)

Disclaimer: I've been drinking

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