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Tattoos...how long to design?


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Me and the wife decided it was time for more ink. Nothing matching or anything like that so dont flame. She went and did her initial consult one day while I was at work. Guy took the basic notes and pretty much drew it up right there on the spot, said he would tweak some things here and there and scheduled her for the following Friday (6 days later).

Fast forward to Friday (18th) I go in with her. Meet the guy. She gets her work done and after me and him discuss what I'm interested in. Now I'm going big. I mean a huge piece starting on my left arm by my elbow across my back down to the other elbow. I know it's large but I haven't heard from the guy in two weeks. I called this past Monday and they said he had someone in the chair and would call me back. 3 days later and still no call.

So the question is How long should I wait to hear from the guy? I've never had something this large done so I don't know what kind of time frame to give

him? I've had a few little ones but they were pretty much in and outs. Should I start looking for a new artist? Any help/advice/experiences would be appreciated.

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did you give him any money up front for said design?? If so I'd be calling after about a week... I've had a few designs done, but always had a definite interpretation when I walk thru the door.. if you didn't give up cash you may just wanna touch base and see how the design is coming...if you like the guy give him a chance, artists are a flaky bunch.. otherwise I know of a few good ones here in town..

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That's absolutely ridiculous........I'd say the hell with that artist - he obviously doesn't want your business - and from what your saying about the size of the piece, you're looking at 2 or 3 visits EASILY.........that's "pay-by-the-hour" tattoo work so you'd think this guy would be ALL over it. I went to Eric Baumann at Extreme Tattoo & Piercing in Piqua Ohio years ago about sleeving my left arm, and he simply used a felt pen and basic sketched it on my arm after we'd discussed what design I wanted. That very day I was in the chair getting ink laid -- I've found that he and his other artists appreciate custom work moreso than picking something off their walls or out of their books, and with custom work tend to bend with you on pricing as well. So, I'd take my business elsewhere.......busy or not, this guy should've worked with you within a reasonable timeframe.

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