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Pelotonia 2011


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UPDATE: those guys up in michigan, riders discount, are giving me a great deal on some ICON vests 320x320-FULL.jpg , Between that great deal plus some $$$ thrown in by our sponsors, Bruner Corp, and My MOMMY they are even cheaper. If any of the volunteers want to pitch in a couple of dollars then we can get these instead of the construction worker style

This year I am organizing the Motorcycle escort for Pelotonia 2011 on Aug -19/21.

For those that haven't heard of Pelotonia information can be found on their website http://www.pelotonia.org/

I will update this post with more information as I get it, but for now I wanted to ask if anyone here is interested in helping out.

Volunteers need to have license, registration and insurance on their motorcycle. Riders will be expected to wear at least helmet, jacket, gloves and provided safety vest.

Knuckleheads need not apply, or anyone with a bike that will make everyone go deaf even at slow speeds. We will be there to ensure the safety of bicyclists on the route to athens.

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I'm in - let me know what I ned to do to sign up.

Have a quiet bike, license, insurance and don't always ride like an idiot.

Eric, we need at least one guy that is old as fuck so you are definitely in. I'll let you know when / where to register ASAP

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Be cool to hang out in Athens again. Wonder if I can get a dorm room in one of the dorms I used to live in - that'd be weird.

just pop some viagra and troll for booty at 3AM, it'd be like you never left :)

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If we don't ride in it, I may be down.

cool let me know.

I can't talk to anyone about "Pelotonia" without getting asked how they can help out. The Buckeye Motorcycle Club booked up four MSF courses and the instructor was asking if he could help out. I guess people are not as bad as they seem.:D

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I can help - have license, gear, quiet bike.

I think I am going to have more volunteers than I need. Which is awesome cause we can get a great crew together. The guys I have said yes to in this thread I know well enough to vouch for. Jblosser your reputation on this board is good enough that I would like to talk with you and make a decision. Are you going to be at the dyno day saturday?

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Same here. Let me know what I can do Shitty.

Jagr I am waiting on a message back from Ben and then we can get you registered.

I am also doing their warehousing and some of the logistics. So we could use some help there too

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I know the areas pretty well (33 corridor) as I grew up there.

I also have family in the area so I wouldn't need accommodations. Plus 9 years as a warehouse stupidvisor so I can help there as well.

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I know the areas pretty well (33 corridor) as I grew up there.

I also have family in the area so I wouldn't need accommodations. Plus 9 years as a warehouse stupidvisor so I can help there as well.

Here is a link to the route maps http://www.pelotonia.org/ride/event/routes/ with some of the roads being traveled you can see the benefit to having motorcycles instead of cars helping out.

If you want to register online you can set yourself up and volunteer in warehouse help position. You cannot register for moto escort, because of the nature of the position, so I will have to have them add you on their end.

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