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My gf is cheating on me, I think

Das Borgen

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So lately my girlfriend has been working alot of evening shifts, and for the past couple months has been carpooling with a male co-worker. At first I didn't mind, I would rather have someone with her in case she has car trouble or something like that, but it seems that they have become a little bit more than friends. You know the scenario, the phone calls that hangup, she starts wearing nice clothes to work, talking about him all the time, etc.

I don't know what to think. If I'm out in the garage when she gets home (usually after midnight) he just drops her off and leaves, but if the lights are off in the garage and I'm in the house (they think I'm sleeping) they sit out in the car for like twenty minutes.

I asked her once what they were doing, she said "just talking"....whatever. So last night I decide that I'm going to see what really goes on out there. I leave the garage door open, but turn out all the lights. About the time she usually gets home, I go out and hide in the garage and wait. In a few minutes, his car pulls into my driveway, and I'm hiding behind my M3.

When his headlights shine through the garage and onto my car, I see something that I just can't believe. My rear tires are are bald and showing cords. Anyone have some good 17" tire suggestions?

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for my encore

I don’t know where to begin so here goes. I’ve been living with my girlfriend for about a year now and I love her to death. She’s into cars too. In fact, one of the things that attracted me to her was her badass B8 Audi S4.

However, these passed few months have been challenging. We hardly see each other anymore at home. She comes home late at night. We don’t go out as much anymore. And, it seems like she’s starting a bunch of fights, often for meaningless reasons. Last month, I saw her on the computer giggling and typing away. I casually walked behind her to look over her shoulder. She slammed her laptop closed and we had the worst fight about privacy. Well, last week I got a little nosey and checked out her last text messages. She has been getting a lot of flirty texts from some number I don’t even recognize.

Well, last Saturday we were supposed to go to dinner with some friends. She bailed, saying she was not feeling well and told me to go without her. So I got into the 335i, pretended to go to the dinner but in fact only went down the block, just on a suspicion. 15 minutes later she comes out and starts to drive off, so I followed her. She only went a few miles and stopped at an apartment complex. 10 minutes later, she and some bastard walk out and get into her car.

I followed them as they got onto the freeway onramp. She decided to punch it and was hitting triple digits in no time. I tried to keep up with them but she just kept pulling away. I was so pissed I couldn’t see straight. So here’s my dilemma. I sure could use everyone’s advice. Which tune should I upgrade to—PROcede V5 or JB4?"


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