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A Fallen Buddy


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Please keep my fallen buddies family in your thoughts and prayers.

He (Harmon Sizemore III) was riding down in northern KY yesterday morning with his 17 yr old daughter on the back when a pickup pulled out in front of them and served into their lane head on. They both were tossed from the bike. Unfortunately my buddy was killed, but his daughter survives with a shattered hip. Now I know, him not being a helmet advocate possibly played a part, but luckily he always insisted his daughter wear one. This is a guy who has been riding everything on two wheels for decades. He made several trips cross country to Sturgis in his earlier years and to the wall in DC, etc. He knew how to ride.

It is a total shock, I am still not sure it is real to me yet.

Please keep his daughter in your prayers for a full recovery and for his wife and family.


Ride Safe out there.


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Wow, that is awful to hear. I hope the daughter is 100% in time to come. I know she will maybe need counseling after because the whole incident, and knowing her father is gone will stain her brain for good. :( Heal fast youngin! :cheers:

:rip: to her father

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Yes, that is the article. It happened in Bath County, KY. His daughter is having her third surgery today. She has compound fractures in both legs. I was told she is ok from the waist up, but her legs are pretty messed up.

Thanks everyone.

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