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jagr Not just this one. ALL of them.
Roger.....Same thing I was thinkin'! ;) I'll second this motion. All in favor of Friday the 13th's bein' our "official" club holiday........
jagr I would like to propose "The Shocker" as our official gang sign.
Has always "unofficially" been the case....Check most pix of me 18.gif (Peace & the Shocker, dinner @ the Warehouse, & Xenia 2 Wheel Tuesday all come to mind in the albums)

I'll 2nd this motion as well. All in favor............

Speakin' of which.....Anyone in favor of another 2 Wheel Tuesday this summer? Even if it's just hangin' out & watchin'

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That's funny Sam.....When I posted about the alpine slides last week, I remember that one of those times we went, we also ended up at a castle that was near the slide. I'm guessing it was somewhere near Belfountaine as well

I'd be curious to see more of what you got about that. Bikes & castles......Sounds like a good day to me!! :D

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Humpday Humor.............

Joaquin Phoenix on Letterman last week.......


Marty McFly--July 28th, 1987


And the followup several years later.....Clowny Clown Clown :rolleyes:


This old guy's HILARIOUS!!! Watch him "running" up the hill roflmao.gif


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DUDE.....Clowny, Clown Clown was classsssic!! rotfl.gif Plus the old naked running guy! C'MON dude....What's not to love?!? He's old....he's nakid.....and he's runnin' proud!

Anyways......My kids pointed out to me the other night, that March ALSO has a Friday the 13th....So you know what that means kids!!!!

'Nother DTC Holiday BAYBEEE!!! :banana:

I can't ever remember there being 2 in a row like this before 33.gif

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Just got done watchin' Grandma's Boy for the first time. The party scene at granny's hizzy & the end when the Partridge Family mom & SpeedRacer were makin' out were pretty funny!!

"SUCKS to be you nerd!" 18.gif

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Humpday Humor for my pepes.......

Apple Computer announced today that it has developed a computer chip that can store and play high fidelity music in women's breast implants. The iTit will cost between $499.00 and $699.00 depending on speaker size. This is considered to be a major breakthrough because women have always complained about men staring at their breasts and not listening to them.
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Renewed my tags today. Tried getting DTC 1 & DTC01, but they said both were taken. eek.gif Submitting some others to see what I can get :D

Any ideas?

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