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the DTC Pub.....A gathering place for "off topic" conversations


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HEy all.

Call me a dick, but i think this whole gixxie750/ Schmuch thing got way out of hand.

IMO Casper was a little hard on the beaver. Well now gixxiee wants to leave the forum. i prolly would too if i got beat up like that for drunk posting. which weve all done by the way. Anywho, tell the dude to stick around. I dont really want a whole pack of cincy kids ditching us and causing a bitch war. He said his sorrys. They BOTH did.

heres the thread.


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Jagr, I dunno... it's all fun and games until someone starts taking internet threats into real life. I would take that shit seriously because I don't know gixxie or schmuck - how do I know they really AREN'T that crazy? If someone is capable of getting THAT worked up over burning a T-shirt, then there's a screw loose - drunk or not, because alcohol isn't an excuse... look at all the threads we have about drunk driving and killing cyclists. If he gets that upset when he's drinking, then he shouldn't drink. I don't think anything Schmuck or Casper or anyone on OR.net side SAID that was over the line. If there's one thing I'm very adamant about, it's there's nothing that anyone can say that would make me act out in violence or vandalism - they're just words. The line was crossed when threats and real-life vandalism of someone's property are made. Once Schmuck bought or was given a shirt, it's his property to do with what he pleases.

Obviously, I can only speak my opinion, but disingenuous apologies don't cut, hell, there's times when genuine apologies don't cut it (but I'm a bitter old man at 25). You shouldn't do shit that you need to apologize for.

Though it is entertaining. I still think the onus is on gixxie for being in the wrong here.

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That's odd Jase......'Cause as of last night, he'd gone the step of opening his own forum on here, like ours, for ******** Junkies. I was on the board throughout the day, & didn't notice any new posts/threads of substance on the matter, and in fact.....Benny finally locked that thread up????

I made my opinion known in that thread, even though I know I wasn't asked for it, and part of that was based on my phone conversation with Ben last night. I don't understand why he & a few of the others are so intent on being here, but then cry foul when they don't like the way their threads go. And there just seems to be more & more of them coming over here lately??? If they don't like it here, or if Brandon & they think his/their site is better.....then why are so many migrating over here lately? That's what I don't understand. Just because it says "Ohio Riders".....If they don't like it here, they don't have to belong here just 'cause they bike in Ohio. Especially since they already have their own site, and there are plenty others they could frequent

Jess & some of the others blend nicely here, but there's a few of them that just don't seem to learn from past situations/threads on here

Like I said in that thread.....I don't go places I know I'm not wanted. If he doesn't feel welcome here.....Then why does he keep trying to force himself on here, and bringing more & more of his members over???

Ben makes no attempt at hiding his disdain for them. If the owner of the board doesn't like you......Why keep trying to force your way into his backyard to play???

BTW.....I'm going to take the board dark again for now, so our members can talk freely in privacy

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I understand gixxie being upset about the comment made, however to be angry is one thing, to put a bounty out on someones property is a whole different story. Then on top of that other people on his site start with more severe threats like "hook his headlights up to his gas tank", and he does nothing about it. Now I know a lot of people say its just talk on the internet and it means nothing but i have 2 exceptions to this, first of all from what i understand some time before i got here a member got pissed with ninja nick and found out where he worked and was saying he was going to wait for him to get out of work and beat his ass or whatever, and secondly granted different situation but sticking with internet and reality, does anyone else realize that there is a show called to catch a predator that has been on for around 2 or 3 years and still makes new episodes all about internet talk turning into reality.

I really dont care one way or another if he stays or goes but no matter what i still wont like him and have absolutely no desire to meet or ride with him. In fact until he mans up and controls his forum i can promise you i will not be at any event that he is at.

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Congrats to our very own KawiKid!!! DTC now has their very own moderator lol.gif Wonder how many of our posts/threads you'll be asked to mod?!? roflmao.gif

Much of the same that I said to Brandon last night Matt....We must think alike ;) Good point on the "To Catch a Predator"


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Thanks for responding and i respect all DTC members opinions. everyone made good points. As far as the whole sitiation goes, It is what it is.

So Fukitol lets move on.

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jagr Thanks for responding and i respect all DTC members opinions. everyone made good points. As far as the whole sitiation goes, It is what it is.

So Fukitol lets move on.

Glad we could have a civil discussion about it where we all expressed our opinions calmly.

I was wrong too......Ben had deleted their Junkie forum page already yesterday, and I think more had been added to that thread after I swore I saw it had been locked....So I was a bit oblivious to some of the most recent bantering

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Ehhhh.....He apologized repeatedly, but I agree with Justin......It never felt sincere. Just felt like he was doin' what he thought was needed to save face.

And guess who's gettin' all cozy on their new site right now....Comparin' notes on how crappy they think OR is??? I'm sure 'ol Sunny's PM'in Brandon all kinds of crap badmouthin' me right now :rolleyes:

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Well I just got home from surgery. Had a 9mm kidney stone removed. Now I got a stint in there so some tube dont collapse. Got two strings hangin out my dick to remove it next week! Lovin life right now let me tell ya!

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