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Call me old fashion but..


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I thought going to school and doing good, getting into a respectable college, and having a successful career in the future was the point of getting good grades? Not so you can buy stuff...hmm it seems that everything these days depends on money..edit WAY to much...


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I think it's a good idea. Kids don't realize the importance of their future most of the time. They're content with being a kid and not smart enough to realize they will be on their own in time and they need to learn a career. I and most of my HS mates were like that. We didn't give a shit about anything, but baseball, beer, weed, and girls.

I think paying them will get them wanting to achieve scholasticly.

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I think it shows very clearly how people refuse to raise their children now a days. It's gotten so bad the the schools have to pay the kids to do what they should be doing regardless. I'm not that old, but school work was mandatory, before I was allowed to do anything, school work came first. People don't care about their children anymore, when I lived in Philly, Truancy was such a problem they held a public hearing about it and all of the parents were to be there. The majority of them walked out and told the officials that their children will do what they damn well please. How can you expect to teach a child something if this is the attitude they see every day, and they wonder why they're 3-4 generation welfare and will never have anything.

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I think it shows very clearly how people refuse to raise their children now a days. It's gotten so bad the the schools have to pay the kids to do what they should be doing regardless. I'm not that old, but school work was mandatory, before I was allowed to do anything, school work came first. People don't care about their children anymore, when I lived in Philly, Truancy was such a problem they held a public hearing about it and all of the parents were to be there. The majority of them walked out and told the officials that their children will do what they damn well please. How can you expect to teach a child something if this is the attitude they see every day, and they wonder why they're 3-4 generation welfare and will never have anything.

+3.14 :)

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I think it shows very clearly how people refuse to raise their children now a days. It's gotten so bad the the schools have to pay the kids to do what they should be doing regardless. I'm not that old, but school work was mandatory, before I was allowed to do anything, school work came first. People don't care about their children anymore, when I lived in Philly, Truancy was such a problem they held a public hearing about it and all of the parents were to be there. The majority of them walked out and told the officials that their children will do what they damn well please. How can you expect to teach a child something if this is the attitude they see every day, and they wonder why they're 3-4 generation welfare and will never have anything.

I agree..

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