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'88 FZ600 died


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So over the springtime, friend of mine did a valve adj. at 40k miles (little late, huh?) and shimmed her back into spec - I recommended a CCT while he was tearing into it, but he tells me afterwards that he needed to go as cheap as possible so he skips the CCT.

He and another guy are out around Springfield this past Friday and suddenly he hears a gutwrenching clatter from the engine, shuts it down instantly, coasts to a stop just a mile or 2 from home. This "friend" of his talks him into firing it back up to limp it home, so he hesitantly does so.......instantly the same nasty clatter, shuts it down again - so the bike gets a lift from a truck to the house and no more was done with it that day - curiosity is killing him and Saturday he hits the key and it turns over a few times then the engine stops abruptly - locked, starter just clicks clicks clicks.......sound like the CCT (or camchain itself failed) to everyone else? I didn't get to see it apart, but I almost wish I had bought a tensioner for him at this point, if thats the culprit - I feel bad for him as he's currently got a lot of turmoil in his life so riding is the only pressure relief he's got.....uh, had. Any other idea's here that may shoot a ray of sunshine up this poor fella's ass? He's asking me for possible reasons for failure since he cant work on it for a while and this is about the only guess I have with how I was told it all played out. Thanx in advance for any additional brainstorms

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