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Beaverun this weekend anyone?


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Okay, 90% sure I'll be riding Sunday. I'll be there Saturday afternoon or early evening to hang out with some of my friends who are making the trip.

the odds of them NOT convincing me to ride on Sunday are quite slim.

Let's get that picture of the Browns & Bengals bikes this weekend :D

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Pretty decent day for me. First day in "A" with NESBA, and I wasn't the slowest one out there. (but if I'm being honest, I was closer than I would have liked to be!)

The first session of the morning was really overcast, and so humid that my visor was fogging even without any rain falling. My timer confirmed a very "average" start to the day, with a bunch of 1:07's and some high 1:06's.

By second session (the big boys who had skipped the first session came out), I was getting blasted, but also had some people to chase. That was good for a 1:05.52, which is only a couple of tenths off my prior best, and the fastest I have ever gone at BeaveRun in a trackday environment.

Third session was the peak of my day as far as riding goals. I turned a 1:04.85, which is a new personal best. (Now to string 10 of them together in a race)

After lunch, I scrambled to get into my leathers (and tape my thumb back together - that could be its own thread...) at the 10 minute call, and went out a couple of laps late. I completed exactly 2 laps before a red flag ended my session.

I rode the next 3 sessions, but it had gotten so hot that my Q2's were starting to get squirmy and greasy. Between the track heat, and general rider fatigue, I was circulating in the 1:06 range for the rest of the day, and happy to put the bike back on the trailer in one piece.

I had a serious "oh shit" moment in the 2nd session after lunch when I ran wide exiting T8 and got my front wheel onto the grass. I put my left foot down (reflex?), and I have no idea how i didn't crash... there must be a little lip of pavement there, and I got really lucky.

In any case, I kept going just to keep myself from thinking about it too much. Fun day with a good group of people. My buddy Don managed a 1:03.97 or something, so he's into the :03's. Hopefully I'm not too far behind, but I think new tires will be in order sooner than later.

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that's a quick time for your group. I saw you out there riding in ahead fo the crash truck. I assumed there were 2 separate incidents when you rode it in. Glad you were okay!

i was busy? Must have been watching Jeff or the other Chris mess w/ the power commanders or bazzazz units on their bikes. For brand new R6's, they sure have a lot of problems...

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