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I'm happy to see so many fellow bikers out there that either carry or support the right to. It's tricky carrying on a bike, especially when you need to go somewhere where you aren't allowed to bring in your weapon. Even if you have room under the seat or wherever to lock it, you still have to pull it out in a public parking lot or street and that can make the sheeple very nervous...and they only have 2 speeds; graze and stampede. One panicky prius driving douchebag white college kid with dreadlocks and a cell phone can get you a lot of attention from the law in a hurry. Get licensed to carry, its better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Just exercise some caution and common sense when it comes to carrying it and try to plan your day around where you can and can't carry legally.

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I would not use it every time someone got smart with me. Like I said I leave late at night, nice bike, bars around the area, and not the greatest area. Someone at sometime is going to try something stupid, I know its just a matter of time. I don't "show off" when I leave work that way I don't draw any extra attention to myself.

I will just keep checking out the area and put my helmet on last like I have been. That way I can use it if I need to.

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