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New CNN Poll: Majority want tax increase for wealthy and deep spending cuts


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Abolish tax refunds for those not paying taxes.

I dont get involved in the political threads much because I do not know jack. However, from firsthand experience, when people who make half or less of what I do get $6,000 back on their taxes and I still owe 2k I tend to think there is a problem.

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I dont get involved in the political threads much because I do not know jack. However, from firsthand experience, when people who make half or less of what I do get $6,000 back on their taxes and I still owe 2k I tend to think there is a problem.

Adjust your witholdings on your pay stub. U pick how many exemptions u want?

You c should be able to ask your employer at any time to adjust how much tax u want to pay. Best is to break even so gubment doesnt have your money interest free for months.

U can change it so u get a ton back or u owe money. U can opt to pay them all at the end of the year I believe and have a bigger paycheck but u better put some aside to pay them later

They might be qualifying for more breaks based on kids or other credits also.

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Adjust your witholdings on your pay stub. U pick how many exemptions u want?

You c should be able to ask your employer at any time to adjust how much tax u want to pay. Best is to break even so gubment doesnt have your money interest free for months.

U can change it so u get a ton back or u owe money. U can opt to pay them all at the end of the year I believe and have a bigger paycheck but u better put some aside to pay them later

They might be qualifying for more breaks based on kids or other credits also.

Oh I know. I was worked 2 different part time jobs that didnt take a lot of taxes out which is where the difference came. But the people I was referring to all have multiple kids and get other "breaks" as you put it. Just nice to see them enjoy their new coach bags.

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The poor like taxing the rich less than you would think


And here I was in the aspiration/"Maybe I'll be rich someday"-camp to try to explain some of the people that aren't rich but support tax breaks for the "job creators", but I guess this makes sense too: The "As long as I'm not last"-camp.

Never mind the top, avoid the bottom

Instead of opposing redistribution because people expect to make it to the top of the economic ladder, the authors of the new paper argue that people don’t like to be at the bottom. One paradoxical consequence of this “last-place aversion” is that some poor people may be vociferously opposed to the kinds of policies that would actually raise their own income a bit but that might also push those who are poorer than them into comparable or higher positions. The authors ran a series of experiments where students were randomly allotted sums of money, separated by $1, and informed about the “income distribution” that resulted. They were then given another $2, which they could give either to the person directly above or below them in the distribution.

In keeping with the notion of “last-place aversion”, the people who were a spot away from the bottom were the most likely to give the money to the person above them: rewarding the “rich” but ensuring that someone remained poorer than themselves. Those not at risk of becoming the poorest did not seem to mind falling a notch in the distribution of income nearly as much. This idea is backed up by survey data from America collected by Pew, a polling company: those who earned just a bit more than the minimum wage were the most resistant to increasing it.

Poverty may be miserable. But being able to feel a bit better-off than someone else makes it a bit more bearable.

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