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Future president!!!!!!


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A couple years ago, at Mid-Ohio, they were giving out some sort of DVD that he was in that was about racing. Or, I thought it would be. I watched about 3/4 of it and had to turn it off. He has got to be the biggest doucher I've ever seen. It was all about him...barely anything about racing. All about what he has and look at my hot wife and look at my big house...I can't stand him after I watched that.

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I think JRP's probably a pretty good guy, but even his friends have to be rolling their eyes at him with increasing regularity. JRP succeeds big, and fails bigger. That's how he got rich, and it's how he's getting poor quickly.

p.s. - he's divorced from that hot wife. I believe that's when he found god.

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  DreamNofR1 said:
Well, like I said, I watched that DVD a couple years ago...and refused to pay any more attention to him after that, lol. I had no idea he was divorced now.

i wanted to hear JRP's side of the story after the AMA was pissy with him a few years ago regarding being lapped (he 'raced' the leaders rather than letting them by).

He took "hidden" video of Roger Edmundson(?) from the AMA berating him about not getting out of the leaders' way. posting it online was a bad move on his part.

The video showed JRP reading Roger E the rules that said riders being lapped should hold their line. Basically JRP was right - he was a douche about it, but he hadn't done anything that violated an AMA rule. The following year, they changed the rule. In my mind that's an admission that JRP wasn't wrong, and shouldn't have been suspended. officially, i think taking and posting the video was actually what got him suspended (violation of the AMA tv licensing agreement?), but it was clear to everyone involved that JRP was suspended because he pissed off AMA management.

I remember part of the video where Roger E was saying how Johnny "wasn't part of the show," and people "didn't come here to see (him) race," which is kind of true, but a dick thing to say to a guy who has paid his entry fees, and turned a fast enough lap to qualify. The fact is, no one is there to see JRP finish 17th, but they're also not going to watch a race with only 10 bikes in it. In a weird way, the AMA does need the bottom 1/4 of the field to fill out the grid. And when they're actually racing against each other, they ARE part of the show. A battle for 15th is still a battle.

So I became Facebook friends with Johnny Rock Page because I appreciated the fact that the "little guy" in the AMA wasn't just rolling over for "the man." Although he comes across as an egocentric drama queen, Johnny also congratulated me personally on getting married when he saw that my profile pic was from my wedding. Over the last couple of years, I've seen him post some questionable things about his wife and divorce, but no worse than most people on facebook... Most of his posts are about how much he loves his daughters, and lately, how much he loves god.

I'm not one to fault him for either.

Does JRP crave attention? I think so. But the guy came pretty close to having a reality show about his family. I don't know if he's really an egomania, or just really good at effective self promotion.

Maybe god really told JRP to run for president.

...or maybe a guy who has 2 starts and a best finish of 19th in 2011 found a great way to get Road Racing World to bring his name back into the public eye a few weeks before New Jersey.

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  redkow97 said:
I'm not sure what's funnier, calling JRP a Presidential candidate, or an AMA Pro Superbike racer.

Well, he made the show. You can make fun of him as much as you want and say whatever you want, but he made the grids and he raced the class.

I always find it funny how people watch the back of the pack and think those guys are slow. Those "slow" guys would wax 3/4 of the club racers they compete against at the club level...

Not always, but again, they aren't "slow"...;)

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  KTM-Brian said:
Well, he made the show. You can make fun of him as much as you want and say whatever you want, but he made the grids and he raced the class.

I always find it funny how people watch the back of the pack and think those guys are slow. Those "slow" guys would wax 3/4 of the club racers they compete against at the club level...

Not always, but again, they aren't "slow"...;)

I'd wax you and JRP BIACH!!!!! :p

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Also, people DID come to see JRP. If you are honest enough to really think about it, you would know that he had a longer line of people for his garage at most events than even Mladin did. What that tells me is that love or hate the guy, people wanted to see what he was going to do or what was around him.

Sex sells, money attracts people, being in the spotlight good or bad is still the spotlight.

The AMA was wrong on what they did and what Ludington (Not Edmunson) did was way off base also. Al is a hot head and as arrogant as anyone else.

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  KTM-Brian said:
Well, he made the show. You can make fun of him as much as you want and say whatever you want, but he made the grids and he raced the class.

Quite true! I felt hypocritical posting it, but I thought it was funny enough to risk it. thanks for calling me out ;-)

But this year has been abysmal for JRP. 2009: 10 starts. 2010: 13 starts. 2011: 2 starts.

my long-term track/racing goal is to qualify for an AMA pro event. I figure I'll be 40 when/if that happens, but it's on my bucket list.

Edited by redkow97
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  Casper said:
I'll race any of you. You pick the day and time, I'll pick the destination. :D

I'm in!!:D

We know Andy will bitch out so, we can exclude him. Nick might play, but probably will get a hang nail at the last minute. Everyone else is a wussy so, it'll be just you and me!

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  KTM-Brian said:
I'm in!!:D

We know Andy will bitch out so, we can exclude him. Nick might play, but probably will get a hang nail at the last minute. Everyone else is a wussy so, it'll be just you and me!


Pick a direction; North, East, South, or West? :D

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