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Krav Maga


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Anyone here study Krav in central Ohio? I'm recently back here in Central Ohio. It appears the only school available in this area is Ohio Krav Maga? Does anyone know this to be true or otherwise? I've studied at a few different schools, but I have a few questions about this school. If you have or currently attend, I would be much appreciative if I could ask you a few questions. TIA.

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go up to one of them, and see how quickly they take aim for the dick. if they go for it right away, winner winner chicken dinner.

i don't even know why they call it "krav maga". they should just call it "dick kick fu"

quick search showed ohio krav maga with multiple locations (which you found already) and core tactix in dublin. i'm certain there are meet ups groups, and i know OSU had a lot of martial art clubs, of which, i'm sure krav maga is one. good luck!

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I think all you need to do is to go batshit crazy - arms a-swingin', legs a-kickin' - when confronted with a personal defense situation.

At least that's my take on it.

** edit: the above was posted with all due respect to anyone that's actually trained in Krav Maga...

I'd like to learn some of their tactics - I can't hand-to-hand fight for shit. Yup, I admit it.

If the OP finds some places, prices, please post up here for all.


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I went there for awhile. Stopped after an injury.

They are all good people and very professional. They also employ an Olympic Gold medalist that runs a conditioning and boxing class. He is a man destroyer. All of the instructors are scary good.

Call them or stop by. They'll be more than happy to answer any question you have.

They have a Saturday morning class for beginners and have a Q&A at the end.

IIRC it's $25 and you get a Tshirt.

It's about 100 a month. Some specialty training is extra.

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What he ^ said...The intro class is $19 now.


Def'ly worth checking out, even if you're only a little interested.

If you join, you can go to any of the locations as your schedule allows. They also offer crossfit/cardio MMA, weapons disarm seminars, and as support classes (in addition to boxing), BJJ/Muay Thai.

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go up to one of them, and see how quickly they take aim for the dick

The founder of Krav Maga, Imi Lichtenfeld, was once quoted saying "a baby's leg is stronger than Mohammad Ali's balls".

Great perspective, especially in self-defense against multiple attackers.

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