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Carlos Mencia


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I saw him at the Funny Bone earlier this year. I've been watching videos for the past hour or so. With the politically correct tensions going on, I figured this was well needed. Here are some of my favorites. Enjoy.






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This is why i love Carlos Mencia, everyone is so afraid to offend other people (which is why we say happy holidays, and home depot sells holiday trees instead of Christmas trees and why in school I would get in trouble for saying God bless you when someone sneezed) but Carlos doesnt care he wants to make people laugh and he is a believer in the true freedom of speech.

I could rant on for hours about freedom of speech and the bullshit of being politically correct but ill just leave it as I like Carlos Mencia because he believes in freedom of speech and isnt worried about being politically correct.

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Mencia is a tool. He has blatantly ripped of Chappelle's jokes.

I dont like when i hear people say that Mencia rips off other comics. For starters all comedians take other peoples material and switch it up a lil bit and make it their own. Also as far as Mencia goes a lot of people dont seem to realize that he has been on the stand up seen since the late 80's or early 90's so there is a chance that other people stole his material not the other way around

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I used to like Ned Arnel til I saw this.. and yes his name is Ned, not Carlos lol


But I think every Comedian does it so who knows.. I guess I am indifferent

His real name is ned thats why his company name is nedlos productions. A stage name is nothing new either.




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Mencia just ripped off a joke about having a mexican vice president...chappelle did that SAME joke ...really...the SAME exact joke in his stand up. Yes, i know jokes get recirculated...but not verbatim!!!! Damn.

It doesn't matter how long he has been on the scene..that's not in question. Mencia is a thief...period. I'm not saying he's not funny at all, I'm saying he's not too original, and is a blatant joke thief. not just once or twice either.

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