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exhaust disassembly help?


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I'll try to keep this short:

my last crash left my exhaust can in 2 pieces. I broke all the rivets on the end-cap where it connects to the lead pipe.

I think this can be repaired with a little bending, some JB weld, and new rivets.

What I need help with is separating the lead pipe from the end cap.

I removed the 2 springs that hold it together, but the cap isn't budging. I hit it with penetrating spray, and still no joy. The only other thing I can think to try is heat, but that should make it expand, and actually tighten the tolerances, no?

it's a titanium system if that matters...

I want to just start getting rough with it, but it's a weird angle, and I don't want to ding it up any mroe than it already is, if I can avoid it.

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no room to swing it.

I think what i really need is one of those slide hammers they use to pull dents out, but with some kind of vice-grip attachment, or sling that I can wrap around the exhaust cap.

plus the hammer doesn't do much good of the lead-pipe just moves instead of actually transferring the force to the joint I'm trying to loosen up :-/

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If I remember correctly, my Yosh has factory sealant on the end caps. I heated up a razor knife and cut around the seam and worked it back and forth until it came apart. I wasn't super careful though because the skin was going to be cut back from where I was working so I think I also pried with a flat head. a little bit to open it up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

some liquid wrench, and solid hammer got the job done. Didn't even dent the system.

I actually have it 95% of the way back together now. Just need a rivet gun to wrap the band back around the end of the can, and button it all back up. Then it goes back on the bike.

Man that fucker is loud without an exhaust... I put in antifreeze and changed the oil yesterday. The neighbors were not pleased.

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yeah, well, the people across the street rent, and they're smokers; so they seem to ALWAYS be on their front porch, and staring at me while I'm in my garage. I don't know if they were for sure pissed, or just wondering what the hell was so loud.

the people behind us are jerks though. They don't clean up their dog shit, and their fat daughter has pool parties until all hours of the night during the summer. They also don't cut their back lawn. ever. they have a 6' privacy fence (for the pool), but the grass is coming through almost a foot up...

I wish I had throttle cables hooked up. Then they would have really had a reason to be pissed off. I keep ear plugs in my tool box for the track anyway, so it wasn't bothering me.

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