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Will AVG or Norton fix this?


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Computer Virus Hits U.S. Drone Fleet

A computer virus has infected the cockpits of America’s Predator and Reaper drones, logging pilots’ every keystroke as they remotely fly missions over Afghanistan and other warzones.


I could not make up my mind in putting it here or under firearms.

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If the government can't lock down the systems controlling the drones, then I've really lost all faith.

Baring a breach of the hardware itself, these systems should be protected from ANY and ALL ingress..USB...Firewire...PAN's...etc.


When the circuits are made in China to save money, does something like this really surprise you?

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Not only USB sticks, but IC chips now have to be validated as clean for secure.

Apparently components have been bought overseas, and not all are clean.

And I mean dirty in a way that can't be found until called upon to cause trouble.

This is a big worry now in development and construction.

It's quality work, and almost impossible to find the alterations.

The drones have been flying with UNENCRYPTED data streams.

Which have already been intercepted and used by opponents on the battlefield.

Everything is now changing over to encrypted data streams.

Most of my info comes from Aviation Week.

I haven't seen the info on the drone keystroke infections yet.

All attacks of all types are from source "unknown".

It's still currently impossible to tell if it's China or Russia or other.

And impossible to tell if it's Russia pretending to be China or vice versa.

Or pretending to be pretending etc, you get the picture.

And even if somebody did finally decide who did what, they won't tell us.

edit: imho almost all computer infections contain a keylogger element or will soon if it's active.

Edited by ReconRat
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