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XR blew another tube this morning


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God dammit! :cry:

Less than a mile from the house and XR blew another tube today... WTF!

Heading into work. Went over thebridge around the corners and down the road. There is a little lift off I enjoy hitting on the second bridge I cross. Rolled the throttle, came acrossed it and nothing but squirrely on the other side.

Again, if you missed it the first time... WTF!

This summer...Two new tires and two new tubes.

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Something's up, I've only popped one tube on a dual sport in 30,000 miles of riding 'em, and that includes offroad.

How's your air pressure? Are you using extra HD tubes? (they're really not meant for the road and can overheat and blow). Any chance there's a broken spoke nut or abrasion in the rim? Pinches when installing?

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I saw nothing last night? Going to have a buddy look at it tonight. I dont get it.

On the HD tube, I was only 2 minutes from the house and on my road that is about a mile.

Weird, but you should be able to tell a lot by the tube when it's out of the tire. If it's cut, it'll be obvious...and I'd look for abrasions or other signs on the inside of the rim...make sure the rim strip is covering the spoke nuts well.

If it's tearing at the valve, that's an issue of the bead letting go and spinning the tire around the rim...pressure too low and too hard on the throttle. Doubt it's that by the sounds of it tho.

A pinched tube will usually tear, kind of a messy looking rip.

Or, it could just be you got shitty luck and have had two crappy tubes. That's certainly possible, but not likely.

I wouldn't bother running HD's, even tho that doesn't sound like your culprit they're generally a waste of $$. Anything that can puncture that tire will go through an HD tube easily, I've run std. duty tubes on and offroad forever and have never had issues, but I make sure I use a 100% rubber, quality tube (Michelin or equivalent)...as the valve area is where most tubes fail and better tubes have good valve glue/builds.

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