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Sinners N Saints Choppers A+++


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took them my bike a week ago.

i usually never take my bike to get worked on, i do all the work myself.

had an issue with the rear wheel i ordered. i tried getting it lined up on the bike, and making spacers etc, but something just wasnt working for me. so after getting pissed off about it, i decided id take the bike to them to see if it was something i was doing wrong.

dropped the bike off, and 40 min later they Brian from SnS gives me a call.

informs me the wheel manufacturer had put the wrong side hub on the pulley side (no wonder i couldnt make it fit)

he tells me the size hub i needed for it, and i contacted the wheel company to see what they could do.

got the new hub shipped to me and dropped it off to sinners and saints.

called me a day later saying it was all done and ready to pick up.

they put the new hub on, machined down the inner sleeve (wheel company forgot to send a new inner sleeve) , made wheel spacers for it out of some really nice stainless, loc tite and torqued all bolts, made sure the belt ran true, and even drilled the bolt heads on the pulley for safety wire (they said they have seen a few bolts back out, and as a safety precaution it would be a good idea to safety wire them).. helped me unload and load the bike on the trailer as well.

and a very important thing.. in my eyes atleast, brian kept me informed. the day i dropped it off we probably had 6 phone conversations. and when i dropped the hub off he said he would give me a ring as soon as its finished up, next day i got the call at about 10:30.

took the bike for a test ride today and it tracked straight and felt really good (aside from the chill in the air lol). im very pleased with the work performed!

they are stand up guys down there, and they know there shit about building bikes.

i didnt know what to expect going down there, but if i need any more work done ill definately go back to them.

actually ill be having them paint my inner fairing on the bike come the new year.

and a pic for the hell of it


Edited by Hoblick
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