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Think the US government won't imprison occupiers as terrorists?


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London has classified Occupiers as terrorists, right alongside FARC, Al Qaeda, etc. Think the same won't happen here? Between that and the National Defense Authorization Act, this would allow the US military to indefinitely imprison Occupiers without charging them. Call me a conspiracy nut if you want, but holy crap.



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The whole "internment camp" thing is getting interesting...


Another unsettling sign post has cropped up in the wake of the Senate’s passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), as the Army has now reportedly designated a special prison guard unit for securing ‘civilian detainees.’

No matter where you sit on the whole conspiracy theory thing, this one's weird. The day after NDAA passed, the government sends out contractor requests for internment camps and now has posted an Army job for securing civilian detainees? What?

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