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Last US Troops leave Iraq!


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While I like this.......... I cant help but think that Iran is ready to pounce on Iraq politically speaking and exert much if not total control. I worry that by pulling out now, it will just cost more in lives and cash by having to go back later.

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How many people caught the news that leaked out of Great Britain? That some of the last troops out of Iraq diverted to the Jordan-Syrian border. Training troops and insurgents, I think. But also might have been the air controllers and equipment, setting up for air control operations at the two Jordanian military air bases.

Why not, the British and French have troops there and in Turkey doing the same thing.

This news is claimed to be suppressed in American news sources.

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We have caused a total clusterfuck over there, that country and its people cannot be changed or reasoned with. We have lost too many of our soldiers and other civilians over there, spent too much money that we obviously don't have........... and all for what?:rolleyes:

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dont believe everything about this. There will be boots in the sand over there for years to come... If we pulled out, it would go right back to the way it was.

Just like every country. We have just started leaving Germany in the past 5 or so years.

We have caused a total clusterfuck over there, that country and its people cannot be changed or reasoned with. We have lost too many of our soldiers and other civilians over there, spent too much money that we obviously don't have........... and all for what?:rolleyes:

They only way to change the Middle East is to change the new generations. The majority of the older people won't be changed.

As for being a clusterfuck, I don't think so. Iraq held it's own elections, people can start to come out and express themselves, don't need to fear reprisals the way they used to... It's amazing to talk to some of the Iraqi's about how much better their lives are. It's an awesome feeling to know that you made someone's life better. You just don't hear about that on the liberal news....

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