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Travel Agent Recommendations?


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Well we decided we are going to go to Switzerland for our Honeymoon this fall and honestly, neither of us want any headache over travel plans so we want to use a Travel Agent we can trust, locally(Columbus/Lancaster).

Looking for FIRST HAND recommendations, and also places people have had issues with because let's be honest, everyone that has used one probably has a bad experience.

If you have used a Travel Agent or have a family member that you would recommend and know they are legit, let me know. We both have our passports and have traveled internationally extensively but just want someone to handle all the BS.


Edited by madcat6183
Im a tard at times.
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AAA member? They do travel agent stuff.

If you have a Visa Signature or American Express card, both of those offer travel services, too.

*** edit: MasterCard offers travel services, too.

Edited by jblosser
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ill ask my mom who my dad used for his travels.. he went out of country every few weeks for years and everything was planned by him and an agent.. not his work specifically because his work f'ed it up so much...

same person handled my 3 month trip to Germany and Austria it was amazingly easy

ill let ya know

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