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Well after lurking around the OMRL site and forum this definatley looks like a good time and very affordable. I do still have a few questions about it though.

-Is there other places to race besides CRP and Beaver Run locally? Whether it be with OMRL another orginization. CRP isnt that far from me (2hrs) but Beaver Run is about 5hrs. I honestly cant see myself making that trip more than mabye once or so a year.

-Are there days like "Test and Tune" you have at the track? Kinda like a track day type of deal.

-How many people are in the Stock XR100 class usually? The YSR's seem like a bigger group but it also seems like more than i want to get into money wise. We all know that you always need that extra gizmo to buy for the bike plus the initial cost of the bike. The Stk. XR's just seems the way to go for me. It appears that you have the rules for that class set up to where your just modifying the bike to better handle an adult rider.

This is mostly directed at Fireman_343 but if anyone else have anything they want to add or correct me on by all means chime in. I should probaly just run down to CRP during one of your races and just check it out. Maybe even bring my gear and take a few laps if thats possible. I though i saw on the site you were looking into bike rental. Maybe in wrong though.

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Yes, the good old Stock XR100 class.. It's getting to be a popular class to race in, I'd have to say that the Stock XR100 class might be our largest class right now with the most on the grid.

The YSR's are not the bigger group, there are only 2-4 YSR's left in our club, most everyone has gone to the NSR's, or over to the mini motards (65's-150R's)

Pittsburgh International Race Complex (PRX for short) is the new name for BeaveRun.. They changed management. Anyway, if you can, make sure you make it out to at least one of the events we have out there. Aug 4-5 weekend is the HUGE Eastern Mini Championship race (Eastern Nationals) that we host there. People from all over show up and race! It was HUGE last season, and I expect a lot more to show up for this years event!

There are other tracks, Camden Ohio has the G&J kart track. We were going to schedule a race or two there this season, but we had a few of our club officials go over and look/ride at the track and didn't feel it was safe enough for a race. Not a lot of run off, curbs, and other things that were not up to par. It's still a sweet track if you just wanted to ride on it, but don't crash in a few corners, or you might hit a curb or other things. lol

There's another one just north of Upper Sandusky, but it is SUPER small and only takes 25 sec to do a lap, so nobody wanted to go back.

WERA has a Mini class, so you can hit up any of the WERA races and "hope" that other mini's show up to warrant a race for them that day, if not, they leave it off the weekend's schedule.

To answer your 2nd question.. we don't really "schedule" any track days at CRP, but people post up here and on our forum if they are going to go out and ride for the day there. It's $15 a person for all day, so you can't beat that! I know I'll be going out there a lot as soon as the weather gets nicer, so if you want to come out and play, I'll show ya the lines and anything else you want to know. But, when it's nice just call the track and see if they are open for practice...98% of the time they are during the week.. weekends are hit and miss with the different people racing there.

BTW, we race going both directions, so it's like you are racing at a different track. I know I have to re-gear going backwards, because you can get onto the back straight a lot faster!

And lastly, YES, bring your gear if you don't have a bike setup yet. We will let ya ride/race a stock XR100 for the day. You'll have to get with my VP on what he charges (if anything) for rentals, but I know he let a few newbies ride one of his backup bikes last season. Anything we can do to help.. let me know! Hope to see ya at the track this Spring!

Edited by fireman_343
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i was one of the 'newbies' to give it a go in the stock xr100 class (thank you for letting me borrow the bike!). i had such a blast, that the following week i went and found myself a good deal on a CR85. i can't wait to let it rip this season! i say give it a try!

Sweet!!! We hooked another one! Lol

Can't wait to see ya on the 85... It's a beast on the kart tracks!

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