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Mutha Fuggin Squirels


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Talk with MaxPower, he has these special urban designed bullets that will do the trick!! ;)

I will be using a quality pellet rifle. I guy i work with is going to let me use his. Mine is just a cheap pump BB/pellet gun. I dont want to push my luck with a CB sub-sonic .22 round. Nor do i have anything that would fire them anyway. If that is what your talking about?

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I will be using a quality pellet rifle. I guy i work with is going to let me use his. Mine is just a cheap pump BB/pellet gun. I dont want to push my luck with a CB sub-sonic .22 round. Nor do i have anything that would fire them anyway. If that is what your talking about?

22 short is prob quieter than a subsonic.

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So far the score is:

Squirrels -1

Me - 1

The night before last somehow one of them made off with the bait in the trap.

But this morning is a different story. BOOM Headshot!!

I was using my scope off my .22mag on the pellet gun. Got a camera set up on it and it was working good. But i couldnt get it sighted in at the range i would be shooting at. Ran out of evelavtion. So now im using a turbo cheap scope off my BB gun. I got it driving tacs at 30 or so feet.





10 minutes later.

Got another i just clipped him. He kinda staggered off into the bushes.

The actions picking up got to go.............

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I think im going to call it for the day.

3 kills

2 misses

I keep having to dial the scope back in. The first was a clean shot. Dropped him like a rock. The one i clipped i found in the bushes still alive so i had to get all point blank on his ass. Then the third just didnt want to go down. He had alot of fight in him. Tried to get a another head shot after the first shot. That didnt happen so i had to go back out for some more point blank action.

I'm going to try some different scope options to try and keep them clean kills. I may hate'em but im going to atleast do it humainly as best as i can.

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The score is now:

3 kills

2 misses

1 trapped

Came home from work today to find one in the trap. This time i put half a corn cob in there and wire tied it to the floor of the cage. Looks like he's going to have to spend the night in there so i can give him to a co-worker tomorow mourning.

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