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CBR 600 carbs


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Has anyone here removed the carbs from a 1998 CBR 600 to clean them? Is it a major job or is it fairly straight forward?

I have read such stuff as don't turn the carbs upside down or you will ruin the vacuum chambers and if you remove the slides the diaphrams will swell and you have a lot of trouble putting them back in.

A friend needs the carbs cleaned because it runs really rough when it runs or you have to hold the throttle open to keep it running, won't run off choke or idle.

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Carbs are easy, take your time, do one at a time so you have an assembled one to draw reference from and never take them off the rack. You need a high E guitar string, compressed air and two big cans of carburators cleaner. Or you can soak in 50-50 pine sol and water overnight, or so I've read.

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Wear gloves with the carb cleaner !

It will dry out your hands.

That is another thing slowing me down, my hands bleed after doing carbs or anything using solvent or fuel for that matter.

The last two carb jobs pretty much done me in, one set was off a CB 550 and they had to be removed 3-4 times, the guy seen it run but when he came back that evening to get it, it wouldn't run. Problem moved to a different carb each time, gave up on it.

The last one was a 900 Eliminator, that bastage had to be done 2-3 times and it finally ran like a top, I rode it a couple different times that day with no problems and the next day I went to the garage and it was sitting in a big puddle of gas. Float related and didn't want to do them again.

As far as racked carbs I'm not on a very good success rate.

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Sounds like your technique is off a bit, or the float needles needed replaced. I lay the carbs down so the floats close the valves and blow gently into the gas inlet and see if any blow past. I hate float problems, especially setting float height, and its super important for the carbs on my fzr, float height controls mixture for the pilot jets. I suggest you visit a cbr forum and see if someone he's done a carb cleaning write up. Every bike has its quirks and an owners forum is the place to learn about them.

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