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this is some messed up sh@t

kawi kid

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i knew this guy pretty well. everytime i went into the bar he would buy me a few beers just for chit chatting him in the dj booth when i came in.


i said in an earlier thread why i believe in concealed carry..... this would be one of those reasons.

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Sorry to hear about this. However' date=' a conceal carry permit wouldn't have helped in this situation as you cannot carry in a 'class d' establishment. (places that serve alcohol for on site consumption) All we can do is hope the legal system doesn't fuck this up.[/quote']

yea i know ccw couldnt have helped but i was just saying it might have prevented it. and what is really messed up is the killer is only looking at like 15 years to life! dont seem fair!! unless they change it later that is all so far.....

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