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Man w/ 30 kids wants state help w/ child support


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H&R Block $21.25 total, for federal, with some things itemized, slightly complicated with efile and direct deposit. State, I use the states E-file and it's free. I do them on my laptop. It's super easy. I sent mine to pro's twice as a comparison and they both got me LESS money. Read the help files and you are a pro.

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$400 to H&R block? DAMN! Hell I don't do my taxes, but I will subcontract out yours for $250. Hell I will pocket the other $150. We pay just a touch over $100 to have ours done and ours is itemized and more complicated. I think you are a moron. The $400 you give to H&R could buy you some gear!

Hell why not throw $400 down the toilet and flush? And loan the government $10k a year LOL! You are dumber than a box of rocks!!!

That's your opinion :dunno:

I'm not the only one willing to use H&R Block, if I was im sure they wouldn't be in business ;)

What I do with my $$ is on me :dunno: I think credit cards are bad, but I'm sure 98% of the people here use em. If I can't buy with cash I won't buy it at all. Unless it's a house or a car I suppose, but I atleast put 1/3rd down in cash and pay double/triple+ the monthly payments.

Everyone spends and saves their money differently, there is really no right way to it, but there are certainly alot of wrong ways to it. As long as I have extra $$ laying around I'm happy with that, I save enough for a rainy day and once a year with an extra lump sum I don't really need I can buy toys with or put it up for future purchases without touching my rainy day savings.

I'm pretty sure most people here don't save up $10k in a years time, yet im the dumb one? It is too easy to spend disposable income, some people would use $40 a day to go out to eat for 2(I know some that do) sure they can afford it, but that money is better spent elsewhere. If you don't got that extra $40 per day and you put it up thats $1,200 a month x 12 thats nearly $15k a year...

Sure I blow money on useless crap, we all do, but some people plan to spend every last penny every month, how are you going to save like that? I'd rather just not have access to it.

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I always do mine there. Federal free and state is like $9.95 or something.

I always get a great return and I do my own taxes. Takes about 1 hour. Shit is all self guided and easy to do yourself these days. Paying someone is a thing of the past.

Married with 2 kids.

So true! I bet they take that Rapid Refund too, that's probably part of the $400 being shelled out! That's just NUTS!

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So true! I bet they take that Rapid Refund too, that's probably part of the $400 being shelled out! That's just NUTS!

Gotta get that Obama money faster!

Hell why pay for rapid refunds you obviously don't need the money since you give it to the government interest free for up to a year. With direct deposit you get your refund back pretty quickly, of course that requires a checking or savings account.

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