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Dayton 200 winner disqualified!


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Erion cheated - not Josh. Josh deserves what he's been given and he actually has been shorted a lot of what he should be given. He's worked hard, is a great guy and has been overlooked by too many other teams.

Erion is the issue here - not the rider....

Plus, FX is a joke, anyways... Just like Superbike. What, the 200 is the biggest amount of factory riders you'll see. Once the series goes out of Daytona, the rest will be amongst the Attack and Erion teams only... Lame.

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Guilty by association.

Dude, he's not guilty. Trust me, every team cheats. Every team. Every top level racer cheats, as well. Grey areas exist all over the place in the rules. Knowing how to dance around them is an art in of itself.

Calling a racer a cheater because of a motor that wasn't touched by him is BS and stupid. Calling a race team cheaters isn't so bad since every one does it. Who's your favorite team? Guarantee they bend the rules and swim in grey area all the time...

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That really sucks. He probably didn't even know about it.

Josh is one of the few racers that actually is very hands on. He does a lot of stuff on the bike in terms of general type things. See him wanting to hold the fuel can? WERA experience there, folks...

Anyways, he had nothing to do with the motor build on those bikes. None...

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This just in from Honda:


Daytona 200 winner Josh Hayes disqualified by AMA officials

Josh Hayes was disqualified as the winner of the Daytona 200 by AMA officials after they found his race-winning machine to be in violation of the AMA Road Race rulebook.

"We've appealed their decision and basically that's our side of it," Rick Hobbs, Hayes' crew chief said. "We've appealed the technical inspection and also the penalty, disqualification." He added, "At this point we're not going to make any statement on what our version is until we file the appropriate paperwork with them."

The crankshaft on the race-winning Honda was found to be "polished, surface treated and metal was removed from it," AMA Pro Racing said in a press release announcing the infraction. "This is in violation of the 2008 AMA rulebook section 5.4."

The release cites a section of the rulebook which states that for multi-cylinder liquid-cooled machines, homologated crankshaft "may not be altered from the originally homologated model except that the "Bearing surfaces may be polished or surface treated."

The press release was issued late Saturday night, well after team owner Kevin Erion had left Daytona International Speedway. He was told by a team member of the infraction just before returning to his home in California.

The appeal process begins with the filing, which "must be received at AMA Racing headquarters by 5:00 p.m. on the third business day after notification to the participant via fax, telephone, or mail of the ruling or incident in question," according to the AMA Road Race rulebook. The appeal board, which is chosen by the Senior Director of Racing, consists of three people "with no material interest in the matter at hand," the rulebook states. The appeal must take place within 45 days of the incident.

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That really sux! Good race to watch! I feel for #17 too changing bikes first lap and worked his way all the way back throught the pack just to get disqualified a couple laps from finish. Also in the 600 races i got to watch a racer i have mock raced with. Josh day#464 finished 11th place! Cool to see people on tv that you know!

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Lizard if you've seen any of my daily wear/apparel, or my wifes, or some of the drinking glasses in my home, then you will know that we are a MONSTER KAWASAKI family. ;)

Welp, they've been busted doing some illegal things, as well. Hell, I know the guy who did all of Tommy's stuff while he was on the Kawi team. There's plenty of "creative design" going on with motors and such. Trust me... Erion just got caught. That's it. Not like any of the other teams haven't...

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That really sux! Good race to watch! I feel for #17 too changing bikes first lap and worked his way all the way back throught the pack just to get disqualified a couple laps from finish. Also in the 600 races i got to watch a racer i have mock raced with. Josh day#464 finished 11th place! Cool to see people on tv that you know!

What is "mock racing"?

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Jennings gp has them on their 3 day track weekends. Its just like a race,but no points or anything.

Here is the start of the race with him and me. I'm to his left


Him in turn 12(just passed me)


Lining up for start


That's pretty cool, for sure. He's a good kid.

So, you coming to some track days and whatnot? I know you said you're racing and all, but just wondering if you'll be up our way. If you do, stop by and say "hey"...

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I am going to race as much as possible. I deff am going to get some track days too. Where you going to be at? I would deff like to meet you and get some track time in. He was a super nice guy and i was shocked when he told me he was 18 lol. I got the wholeshot on him up to turn one and then he blew me away lol. I got 8th and i started on pole,but i was the only one with a yellow plate and new to Jennings.

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I am going to race as much as possible. I deff am going to get some track days too. Where you going to be at? I would deff like to meet you and get some track time in. He was a super nice guy and i was shocked when he told me he was 18 lol. I got the wholeshot on him up to turn one and then he blew me away lol. I got 8th and i started on pole,but i was the only one with a yellow plate and new to Jennings.

I help instruct at STT. Usually doing the Mid-O events and a few Putnams. Look for my bike pictured in my avatar. If I can help in any way, just shout.

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