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Newbie planning Iron Pony trip, tips on what to get?


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So, I've been seeking quotes for a new CBR250R and looks like I'm getting close to closing a deal. But I don't have all the gear that I'll need. So I'm planning a trip down to Iron Pony thanks to everyone's favorable reviews here.

Problem is that it's 2 hours away and it's not practical to make that trip multiple times. Thus, I'm seeking your help to complete my arsenal so I'm prepared when I get my first bike.

The following is what I have so far and I'd definitely take any pointers on what I need/should get. I'm also interested in doing as much of my own maintenance as possible. Anything I should get to accomplish this?


1) leather jacket, textile jacket with level III armor

2) standard walmart boots

3) Generic leather gloves

4) tire guage and inflator

Things I'll need:

1) Helmet

2) Real riding gloves

3) real riding boots

4) back protector

5) dupont teflon spray for chain maintainence? (and chain cleaner)

Thanks in advance for your help!

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What cOoTeR said. Plus, wait till you get the bike as you may find you need new grips, turn signals, tires or want to do an oil change. The discount area is to the right after you come thru the door and will be overwhelming. You might be best to post up when you plan to visit and meet up with someone who knows the store. I may even be able to be there myself with enough forewarning. :)

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Go straight to the discount section first, especially if you're a smaller guy, I bought my Zox helmet for 30 bucks there, jacket with armour 50, gloves with armour 10, saw boots for 40, should have got them but didn't end up doing it, I advise buying all black stuff, just so it matches any bike in the future..

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Go straight to the discount section first, especially if you're a smaller guy, I bought my Zox helmet for 30 bucks there, jacket with armour 50, gloves with armour 10, saw boots for 40, should have got them but didn't end up doing it, I advise buying all black stuff, just so it matches any bike in the future..

Absolutely This:

I got a Zox for 60, armoured jacket 60, A*'s gloves 35. Your Walmart Boots should do just fine (steele toe'd?) but won't look as cool. Good Luck. Plan on spending at least a couple hours there.

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I was at IP yesterday and it is 'almost' overwhelming. Every time I've been in the store most salespeople are helpful in information and options from Mercedes to Yugo. Look hard and take your time as there are discounted items everywhere besides the 'discount' section.

Good luck and take a credit card......:)

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Since you're new, take your time and look at everything. There's no need to load up your first trip eventhough you'll be tempted to. Take the time to figure out what you like.

Joe Rocket makes a good quality product with reasonable prices.

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Yea, what he said.

Helmet - they have a lot to choose from, so put fit over price. Don't assume it will "break in" as they never do. A small pain is a huge issue after a couple hours so I can't stress enough the comfort issue. Also, different brands fit different heads. (I have a Shoei head and cannot wear and Arai, for example.)

Gloves - any thick and supple leather working type gloves will suffice but gauntlet style are better as jacket sleeves can ride up in a slide. Just make sure they fit tight and offer good dexterity (can hit the kill switch)

Boots - no need to go crazy and just watch for a sale. Look for waterproof (gore-tex) when you do buy.

Some do-dads that can make life easier:

Battery Tender (you will need it come fall) + Stabil/Seafoam for the gas

Disc lock if the bike will be stored/parked outside for extended periods

Bungee-net (carry it on the bike) or 2 cords tied in a + shape.

tire puncture kit (C02 cartridges - keep on the bike)

After that, just ride it and enjoy. Many other needs/wants will present themselves in time.

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I have never been to IP either but the wife and I plan to stop on our way home from MidO in mid July. Been told by numerous people to plan a 1/2 day or more depending on how much we want to buy. Gonna be a spending spree for sure, but its got to be the best in-house selection you can find where everything can be tried on before buying.

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A little FYI. The current Iron Pony used to be a Kmart that was closed down. So next time you visit a Kmart imagine it filled with MC gear, parts and motorcyles and ATVs. Ironically the addition of actual vehicles to the floor is a recent addition.

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Also, different brands fit different heads. (I have a Shoei head and cannot wear and Arai, for example.)

Different Arai models have different shaped shells so when looking at Arai's, try all the models. They are bit different from most makers.

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So, I've been seeking quotes for a new CBR250R and looks like I'm getting close to closing a deal. But I don't have all the gear that I'll need. So I'm planning a trip down to Iron Pony thanks to everyone's favorable reviews here.

Problem is that it's 2 hours away and it's not practical to make that trip multiple times. Thus, I'm seeking your help to complete my arsenal so I'm prepared when I get my first bike.

The following is what I have so far and I'd definitely take any pointers on what I need/should get. I'm also interested in doing as much of my own maintenance as possible. Anything I should get to accomplish this?


1) leather jacket, textile jacket with level III armor

2) standard walmart boots

3) Generic leather gloves

4) tire guage and inflator

Things I'll need:

1) Helmet

2) Real riding gloves

3) real riding boots

4) back protector

5) dupont teflon spray for chain maintainence? (and chain cleaner)

Thanks in advance for your help!

You don't mention pants. You riding around nekkid?

Srsly, you're going for all the protection but leaving your knees and legs to the fates? At least look into some kevlar-lined jeans if nothing else - they are worthless for impact, but will keep you out of the ER getting asphalt scrubbed out of your skin if you slide. Better yet, buy some armored overpants or real riding pants. It's a lot cheaper than the hospital bill, trust me.

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