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Mediated Matter


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Mediated Matter. Will this be our future?

Dr Science here again. Mediated Matter is design by using 3D printing of extreme complex object constructions, using a variety of materials with differing properties.

Translation: Think of ultra light weight and ultra high strength body armor, that conforms to your body and moves with it for maximum comfort. Perhaps variable air flow, and perhaps custom tailored to your body. Also think the same for the body parts of a motorcycle.

Before someone says a crazy surface texture isn't smooth through the air, think about rough surfaces make racing sail boats faster, and something similar is used on supersonic aircraft for boundary layer control of air flow.

Mediated Matter is being compared to the introduction of the printing press (movable type). Something that revolutionized the entire world. If the cost of a large 3D solids printer would come down to something reasonable, I'd be all over it.







Neri Oxman- British PhD at MIT, concentrating on this technology. She's designed a chair that morphs to the body. A "living-synthetic construction". Described as "...a chair that moves when you move, that adjusts to every muscle in your body, that responds like a living organism . . . a chair kind of like a really excellent lover...".








Edited by ReconRat
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Its not the cost of 3d printers that is the problem; the prices have dropped drastically over the past few years, its the throughput of building materials in this manner.

I really dont like the comparison to movable type....movable type is a way to increase throughput and precision, this is a means of increasing product specialization.

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Its not the cost of 3d printers that is the problem; the prices have dropped drastically over the past few years, its the throughput of building materials in this manner.

I really dont like the comparison to movable type....movable type is a way to increase throughput and precision, this is a means of increasing product specialization.

I think it's just a comparison of application of technology, towards a possibly extreme technological change to society. Otherwise you are quite correct.

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