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Slowly becoming the slowest forum on the net?


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When HONDA starts making PC's then we're fucked! :D

yeah... That would be horrible. The Honda PC wouldnt be outdated the day you buy it. It would be more advanced than the other pc's and you could buy replacement parts that dont burn up faster than the originals? Wow what a sad sad world that would be.;)

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Well if suzuki makes them will case split in half at the slightest tap????

Honda PCs will be refined, cost more then everything else, all PCs will have same look (except maybe new every 6 years), but disqualified for illegal parts.

Kawis will look great, but not amount to much except in the middle range

Yamahs will randomly smoke and explode, and if knocked on the side will leak.

The new HD PC will look great, real flashy, cost twice as much as everyting else, make a lot of noise, but never really go anywhere.

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Site is running slow during peak times. Might have to bump up the hosting plan. We're seeing alot more traffic than originally anticipated, which is a good thing. We're seeing around a million hits per month which is killer, but slows the site down. We're on a shared Linux hosting plan with Godaddy. Probably going to bump it up to a virtual dedicated hosting plan. I'm looking at our options.

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