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Tea Party President... Demands Obama Prove He Is Not A Homosexual Who Smokes Crack


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Tea Party is at it again... :wtf:



The president of Tea Party Nation declared on Thursday that if Mitt Romney is to release his tax returns, President Barack Obama should release medical records to prove he’s not a drug addict who smoked crack and had gay sex with a lifelong con-man.

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OM? (Not sure what letter to put there now since "G" doesn't fit anymore) maybe it should OMSF (Oh my sky fairy) Obama is perfect he never broke any laws regarding drug use, and what he did or didn't do with another consenting man in the privacy of his perfect bedroom is his business. Mitt Romney needs to release his birth certificate, tax records, bank statements, drug test, lie detector test results, and computer hard drives. We need to vet this racist bigoted republican scare monger!

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When i read the title, I was thinking "the onion is getting rediculous" but it wasn't the onion..

this is the actual tea party president, the real one...and he ACTUALLY said this...

you don't think that's just a tinge of absolutely effing insane?

and feel free to use OMG, as a common use figure of speech. Or dont... I still use it from time to time.

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Sadly Not From The Onion - Texas GOP Against Thinking & Voting Rights

Article Link: http://austinist.com/2012/06/27/texas_republican_party_seeks_ban_on.php

Texas Republican Party Seeks Ban on Critical Thinking, Other Stuff

Sadly, after getting so much flack about it, they revised it and took the original down (I read it, PDF to make sure it actually said what they're claiming [it did]). Colbert mentioned them "revising" it.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/18/colbert-takes-on-texas-public-schools-critical-thinking_n_1683923.html

Not really relevant to the tea party, but one of those "This must be an Onion article"-moments.

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ABC/Good Morning America/George Stephanopoulos tried to pin the movie theater shooting on the Tea Party this morning - since they happened to find someone with the same name as the shooter on a Tea Party website. The shooter's name isn't exactly unique, and why would they go to a Tea Party website to look for a connection to the shooter? Wonder if they bothered to look at, i don't know, Occupy websites, Mother Jones forums, etc., you get the point. They want the public to believe the worst about people with opinions that differ from theirs.

Same crap the media tried to pull after Congresswoman Giffords was shot - too bad for them it turned out the shooter in that instance was liberal (and insane - yes, I'm not repeating myself - there are some liberals who aren't bat-sh1t crazy, same with conservatives).

The vitriol is heavy on both sides of the aisle.

I'm not very happy with the political system in the US these days... :nono:

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517 (or 518, i don't remember at the moment) of the 535 members of Congress didn't or won't release their tax returns, either.

I know, I know, they're not running for POTUS, but you gotta wonder why they won't...

At least there are free BJ's since the Miami Heat won the NBA championship...

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Release the tax forms when Obama releases his college transcripts.

Don't need his college transcripts. We have his presidential ones to tell us he's a low performer.

Edited by DAC
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