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Mitt Romney buys twitter bots to boost popularity...LOL


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yes, Mitt is "catching up" Obama still has 22x the followers...

Actually, I was going more for:

"I’m not saying he bought them, but Romney’s follower stats have taken a sharp and sudden rise since Friday 5PM EST," Green wrote. Romney's campaign on Monday denied those claims.

"We have reached out to Twitter to find out additional information regarding the rapid growth," Zac Moffatt, the Romney campaign's digital director, told BuzzFeed.

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"We have reached out to Twitter to find out additional information regarding the rapid growth," Zac Moffatt, the Romney campaign's digital director, told BuzzFeed.

"Furthermore, Twitter has informed us that the key to rapid growth was to give them money and they would increase our follower count." Implied Mr. Moffatt with his prior ambiguous statement.

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oh, my link had pretty much the same info, I was just being sensationalistic, and accusatory in my description.

Mitt Romney's Twitter account is creating controversy not because of any actual tweets, but because of a sudden and dramatic spike in followers. The presidential hopeful gained more than 135,000 new followers over the weekend; prior to that, he'd been racking them up at a rate of 3,000 to 4,000 per day. The Twitter tracking site 140elect.com noticed the extraordinary growth, and folks in the Twitterverse immediately began tweeting their own theories. Here's one: "That awkward moment when people notice Mitt Romney has been buying followers."

Others suggest the followers aren't even human. Certain signs point to the possibility that some new arrivals could be "Twitter bots," as they have trouble spelling certain words and have no followers of their own. The Romney campaign's digital director, Zac Moffatt, rejects that theory, saying, "We have reached out to Twitter to find out additional information regarding the rapid growth. "

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