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Cool vid on the future of HUD's


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So other than the creeper aspect of the video this seems like an awesome thing. How cool would it be if you could use this while riding for speed, tach and to point out potential riding threats like cars turning and animals. The possibilities of something like this are really endless. But in the mean time, Google glass looks pretty cool, more of a novelty than something I could see myself using every day but cool none the less.


also reminds me of this


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Shop manuals, yes. This entire technology started in the 1980s (or earlier), developed by aerospace and military for mechanics and techs to work without a partner to read the manual for them. The manual is mandatory for many repairs. Step by step. Having one tech with augmented vision was the desired outcome. What they got was headaches and blurred vision...

They are still working on it, full face HUDs for both eyes are more popular now.

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F-35 HUD helmet



View from the inside of the helmet, augmented vision.


The plan is to link to sensors on the aircraft fuselage, so that the pilot can look anywhere, even down, and actually see through the aircraft. Visible, infra-red, ultra-violet, radar, millimeter wave? inputs. Combined with navigation, targeting and warning information.

edit: To get around the problem of being able to look completely to the rear, the gear will slew the view over to the rear, if both the head and the eyes go all the way to the left or right.

Some of this work is being done by BAE in the UK:


Part of the deal is all aspect (360 degree) targeting, with fire and forget. An earlier type helmet, used by Israeli air force, took down a flying attack drone. It was caught on video from a US satellite. Tasked with finding and shooting it down, the pilot was ready, but over shot the tiny drone when he couldn't see it in time. He whipped his head to the side, targeted, and fired. His missile went out ahead, turned around, and went back and took the target down.

Edited by ReconRat
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