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I don't think they take six months anymore - that was years ago.

There is a fee you can pay for speeding the process up. Takes only a couple of weeks, but it is kinda expensive.

I renewed mine last year and got it back in 3 weeks - without paying the fee.

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Mine took a solid 12 weeks, but I did mine right after Katrina hit, and guess where all my forms had to be processed? Yea, New Orleans. So after 6 weeks I get a letter saying they lost my Birth Certificate (The only original copy I had on me -- my parents live 70 miles away in Mansfield. No big deal, just a hassle and some gas), so it turns out that I get ANOTHER letter a week later saying they found it, but lost my forms. So, I went down to the courthouse and had to REFILL out the forms, but without a birth certificate. Eventually and miraculously, somehow my birth certificate and passport showed up about 6 more weeks later. Luckily it was on the company's dime - $110 for all that drama.

I love dealing w/ the government. What a PITA!

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