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My brain just exploded!

Big Chief201

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Was that in 1996, because that was the last time minimum wage was below $5 an hour? If they were making less anytime after that, they were doing it illegally under the table. And they were probably getting gubment assistance like welfare, food stamps, section 8 housing, or living in a box, under an overpass, or in a van down by the river. And you're right, I would call that "surviving" but not living. And as someone who owns frivolous things like motorcycles you know what I mean by living.

What is minimum wage for a waiter/waitress?

and who are you to decide what's "living"?

"living" for you might be "surviving" to someone else and vice versa

Edited by magley64
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What is minimum wage for a waiter/waitress?

That is the one exception to the rule, and you and I both know that they are expected to get tips as well, which should still be reported on their taxes. If they were only making $5 an hour after tips they need to consider another career path because they suck at waiting.

I've decided that living constitutes me owning as many motorcycles in my lifetime as possible. I thought that was the general consensus here, since we are on "Ohio Riders" and not "How to live off of $5 an hour" .net. Please feel free to substitute owning as many guns as possible for your lifestyle choice instead of bikes. Or bikes and guns, or bikes with guns on them? Any way you wanna mix it up is ok with me.

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What is minimum wage for a waiter/waitress?

and who are you to decide what's "living"?

"living" for you might be "surviving" to someone else and vice versa

don't forget the tip. what about commission based wages? oh, the huge manatees!

who are you to decide what's a living?

who's the llama drama queen?

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I realize they are rare, but this is reality for some people..

is $7.70 an hour and 32 hours a week all that much different?

I'm not saying it's ideal, but it what some people have. If that's what their life is, who am I to judge? maybe watching nascar in their efficiency apartment while drinking the beast is living the life for them...

I don't envy them, but I don't have any ill will towards them either. They simply don't affect me. I let them live their lives, and I live mine.

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it's a simple bit of maneuvering

1. create fictional world

2. wait for buzz off first hit

3. repeat argument ignoring previous statements

4. find parallels to fictional world issues

5. get munchies

6. eat pop tarts till full

7. repeat

A troll is a troll by any other name. Exrach would be proud. :rolleyes:

The issue with all your arguments is that you make an assumption on the best case scenarios and glaze over the rest. You truely have a Pollyanna world view. While looking for the best in everything is a great way to overcome adversity for some, it is far more likely to result in being crushed by reality later on.

Pollyanna is a best-selling 1913 novel by Eleanor H. Porter that is now considered a classic of children's literature, with the title character's name becoming a popular term for someone with the same optimistic outlook.[1] The book was such a success that Porter soon produced a sequel, Pollyanna Grows Up (1915). Eleven more Pollyanna sequels, known as "Glad Books", were later published, most of them written by Elizabeth Borton or Harriet Lummis Smith. Further sequels followed, including Pollyanna Plays the Game by Colleen L. Reece, published in 1997.

The title character is named Pollyanna Whittier, a young orphan who goes to live in Beldingsville, Vermont, with her wealthy but stern Aunt Polly. Pollyanna's philosophy of life centers on what she calls "The Glad Game", an optimistic attitude she learned from her father. The game consists of finding something to be glad about in every situation. It originated in an incident one Christmas when Pollyanna, who was hoping for a doll in the missionary barrel, found only a pair of crutches inside. Making the game up on the spot, Pollyanna's father taught her to look at the good side of things—in this case, to be glad about the crutches because "we didn't need to use them!"

With this philosophy, and her own sunny personality and sincere, sympathetic soul, Pollyanna brings so much gladness to her aunt's dispirited New England town that she transforms it into a pleasant place to live. The Glad Game shields her from her aunt's stern attitude: when Aunt Polly puts her in a stuffy attic room without carpets or pictures, she exults at the beautiful view from the high window; when she tries to "punish" her niece for being late to dinner by sentencing her to a meal of bread and milk in the kitchen with the servant Nancy, Pollyanna thanks her rapturously because she likes bread and milk, and she likes Nancy.

Soon, Pollyanna teaches some of Beldingsville's most troubled inhabitants to "play the game" as well, from a querulous invalid named Mrs. Snow to a miserly bachelor, Mr. Pendleton, who lives all alone in a cluttered mansion. Aunt Polly, too—finding herself helpless before Pollyanna's buoyant refusal to be downcast—gradually begins to thaw, although she resists the glad game longer than anyone else.

Eventually, however, even Pollyanna's robust optimism is put to the test when she is hit by a car and loses the use of her legs. (In the movie adaptation, she falls off a tree after sneaking out of the house). At first she doesn't realize the seriousness of her situation, but her spirits plummet when she was told what happend to her. After that, she lies in bed, unable to find anything to be glad about. Then the townspeople begin calling at Aunt Polly's house, eager to let Pollyanna know how much her encouragement has improved their lives; and Pollyanna decides she can still be glad that she at least has her legs. The novel ends with Aunt Polly marrying her former lover Dr. Chilton and Pollyanna being sent to a hospital where she learns to walk again and is able to appreciate the use of her legs far more as a result of being temporarily disabled.

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is $7.70 an hour and 32 hours a week all that much different?

I'm not saying it's ideal, but it what some people have. .

No, and by our gov'ts standards it is considered poverty. That entitles them to assistance like cheaper medical, food stamps, housing assistance. You name it, there's a program out there that they're on. So now are they really living on $7.70, or is it more like $7.70 of their money and $3-4 or more off the rest of us? But that is a totally different topic for another day. We're talking illegal immigrants not the gov't reallocating my money to the "less fortunate"

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Why don't ya'll just get to the cock-off or compare W2s or something to settle this? It's the only way, unless someone wants to go through the gauntlet of the "all aspects of life" challenge.

This is in the "time wasters" forum right? I'm doing just that.

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pollyanna sounds like a great person to be...

if only everyone looked at the bright side of things rather than always focusing on the negative...

If i got mad about everything i've ever seen that I've disagreed with, I'd be batshit insane by now...

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No one has tried caps lock yet!

Caps lock makes your point more valid!

^^^---- Ohhhohohohohoh, Casper you clever devil, string rules on posts... (*Note, the above post was made in ALL CAPS)



Edited by JRMMiii
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pollyanna sounds like a great person to be...

if only everyone looked at the bright side of things rather than always focusing on the negative...

If i got mad about everything i've ever seen that I've disagreed with, I'd be batshit insane by now...

Never heard of, "hope for the best and plan for the worst"? I guess when you actually have to deal with adversity instead of simply surviving it your perspective dims a bit. But remember ignorance may be bliss, but bliss only lasts till reality sinks in. Then the level of you mental preparedness is tested and you will either over come or be overcome.;)

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Never heard of, "hope for the best and plan for the worst"?

yeah, but you aren't fully enjoying the best if you're constantly preparing for the worst...

I can either be prepared for a blizzard today, or I can enjoy the warm weather and ride my motorcycle to work...

I can prepare to blow a tire, and keep my bike vertical and slow, or I can hit the corners hard and enjoy the ride home

in order to fully enjoy the best you have to prepare for the best.

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This type of viewpoint isn't unknown, it's just not found widely:

Henry Clark Wright

Joseph Barker

Henry David Thoreau

Leo Tolstoy

Mohandas Ghandi

Ferninand Domela Nieuwenhuis

Bart de Ligt

Alex Comfort

Paul Goodman

Robert LeFevre

Ammon Hennacy

Dorthy Day

Jean-Paul Sarte

Anarcho-pacifism - Political/social change without violence

...Anarcho-pacifism tend to see the state as 'organised violence' and so they see that "it would therefore seem logical that anarchists should reject all violence".. Anarcho-pacifism criticizes the separation between means and ends. "Means,...must not merely be consistent with ends; this principle, though preferable to 'the end justifies the means', is based on a misleading dichotomy. Means are ends, never merely instrumental but also always expressive of values; means are end-creating or ends-in-the making"...

Yeah, I study history a lot...

Anarcho-pacifism is often a basic element of libertarian philosophies.

Even the concept of a general union strike has some basis on these elements.

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