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Pryor is coming to OSU!!!!


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You're in Ohio, not Michigan. Did you forget?

My favorite is hearing Michigan fans saying OSU isn't their rival. Well, looks like they were right. Maybe BGSU will be their rival. Then they could win.

OSU is after the SEC now. The past few years have been slightly embarrassing. But at least we beat Michigan.

And wishing someone would blow out their knee is kinda fucked up dude. That'd be like someone wishing you'd wreck. Not cool.

Who said OSU isn't our rival?? You made that one up man...I hate OSU..and so does all of Michigan, but it's a friendly rival 'hate'. Not one UM fan that I have known in my 30+ years on this earth has ever said that OSU wasn't our biggest rival.

Let's get one thing clear...these things are cyclical. When I moved to Ohio 10 years ago, UM was kicking the snot out of OSU. We still own the series record. Tressel was the best thing to happen to OSU...I even said when his hiring was announced that UM was in trouble (I never was a Carr fan).

OSU has UM's #, but it's not going to last forever. Enjoy it while you can..the only reason most OSU fans seems to go overboard is because you guys aren't used to actually beating us on a consistent basis. Enjoy!! I actually prefer that you guys get some success...because when we come for dat ass it will be all that much sweeter. None of these games has been a blow out. Even with a hobbled QB and running back we kept the score close. These two teams are seperated only by play calling and coaching. Carr is your version of Cooper. I'm sure you're sorry to see him go. Oh by the way..we won our bowl game.

Don't act like OSU is on to bigger and better things now. That's just crazy...I supposed OSU is allowed to have 'Cooper' years, but UM isn't allowed to have the same?

Man, I'm all for sticking up for your team...kind hearted jabs...rah rah rah and all that, but being a blind homer is just played out. These are two great teams ..and to suggest that OSU has moved past UM because of the last 6-7 years is just crazy. If I had said the same to you 10 years ago you would be repeating my words to you.

And the knee comment should have been taken in jest..you used that to further your OSU agenda..I'm sure you've made similar comments in jest before. I don't wish harm on anyone (not for long at least).

Some fans seem to have short memories.

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+1 on the SEC, starting to hate them more than mich. they definitely beat us more than michigan does.

ALL of the Big Ten should hate the SEC.

You know how you beat the SEC? Stay away from the traditional Big Ten/Midwest athlete (at all positions). Spread the offense out. Your athletes don't have to be the best, just athletic. Get away from the same old 'ground and pound' Big Ten offense.

Tressel runs the spread...he's already halfway there.

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Who said OSU isn't our rival?? You made that one up man...I hate OSU..and so does all of Michigan, but it's a friendly rival 'hate'. Not one UM fan that I have known in my 30+ years on this earth has ever said that OSU wasn't our biggest rival.

Let's get one thing clear...these things are cyclical. When I moved to Ohio 10 years ago, UM was kicking the snot out of OSU. We still own the series record. Tressel was the best thing to happen to OSU...I even said when his hiring was announced that UM was in trouble (I never was a Carr fan).

OSU has UM's #, but it's not going to last forever. Enjoy it while you can..the only reason most OSU fans seems to go overboard is because you guys aren't used to actually beating us on a consistent basis. Enjoy!! I actually prefer that you guys get some success...because when we come for dat ass it will be all that much sweeter. None of these games has been a blow out. Even with a hobbled QB and running back we kept the score close. These two teams are seperated only by play calling and coaching. Carr is your version of Cooper. I'm sure you're sorry to see him go. Oh by the way..we won our bowl game.

Don't act like OSU is on to bigger and better things now. That's just crazy...I supposed OSU is allowed to have 'Cooper' years, but UM isn't allowed to have the same?

Man, I'm all for sticking up for your team...kind hearted jabs...rah rah rah and all that, but being a blind homer is just played out. These are two great teams ..and to suggest that OSU has moved past UM because of the last 6-7 years is just crazy. If I had said the same to you 10 years ago you would be repeating my words to you.

And the knee comment should have been taken in jest..you used that to further your OSU agenda..I'm sure you've made similar comments in jest before. I don't wish harm on anyone (not for long at least).

Some fans seem to have short memories.

Michigan sucks. :D

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I know..I know..

I was wondering when someone was gonna start that though.

:) It's rough being from MI, and living in OH!

I was waiting for it too... I was tired of waiting. ha. :beathorse: horse = Michigan... Tressel is the guy with the bat! :lol:

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why do birds fly upside down over Ann Arbor?

Nothing worth shitting on.


Q: What's the difference between a University of Michigan fan and a carp?

A: One is a bottom-feeding, scum sucker, and the other is a fish.

Q: How many University of Michigan fans does it take to screw in a light bulb?

A: One, but he gets 3 credits.

Q: How many University of Michigan freshman does it take to change a light bulb?

A: None, it's a sophomore course.

University of Michigan fan walks into a doctor's office and removes his hat to reveal a frog sitting on his head. The doctor asks, "How can I help you?" The frog replies, "I was wondering if you could help me get this wart off my butt."

Two University of Michigan fans were walking down the street when they came upon a dog lying on the sidewalk licking and cleaning his groin like dogs do. The first University of Michigan fan says to the second, "Boy, I wish I could do that." The second University of Michigan fan replies, "Yeah, me too. But I wouldn't try it." The first University of Michigan fan asks, "Why not?" The second University of Michigan fan replies, "Because I'm afraid the dog might bite me."

Q: What should you do if you find three University of Michigan fans buried up to their neck in cement?

A: Get more cement.

Q: How do you make University of Michigan cookies?

A: Put them in a big Bowl and beat for 3 hours.

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Two University of Michigan fans were walking down the street when they came upon a dog lying on the sidewalk licking and cleaning his groin like dogs do. The first University of Michigan fan says to the second, "Boy, I wish I could do that." The second University of Michigan fan replies, "Yeah, me too. But I wouldn't try it." The first University of Michigan fan asks, "Why not?" The second University of Michigan fan replies, "Because I'm afraid the dog might bite me."

This one is awesome!

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Who said OSU isn't our rival?? You made that one up man...I hate OSU..and so does all of Michigan, but it's a friendly rival 'hate'. Not one UM fan that I have known in my 30+ years on this earth has ever said that OSU wasn't our biggest rival.

By the way:

You may disagree, but this rivalry is bigger for Ohio State than Michigan.
Taken from: http://community.foxsports.com/blogs/hoit/2007/11/13/Rules_for_the_week_of_The_Game

I have more, but can't find them right now. I've heard it many times. So many Michigan fans saying their rival is Michigan St. I have a list of links somewhere because I get into this argument every year.

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A guy sitting at a bar stool leans over to the guy next to him and asks: “Hey, you wanna hear a Michigan joke?” The other guy responds: “Well, I’m 6-2, 225 pounds, and I went to Michigan. And my two friends sitting next to me, each of whom are 6-4, 250 pounds, they also went to Michigan. Now, do you still want to tell me your Michigan joke?” And the first guy responds: “Nah, not if I’m going to have to explain it three times.”

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Coaches Jim Tressel and Lloyd Carr are walking down the beach talking about the new rivalry starting with Jim taking over as the OSU head coach. As they are walking, Jim trips over something in the sand. Upon closer inspection it turns out to be a genie’s lamp.

“Who disturbs me?” asked the genie.

Jim and Lloyd both say they did it.

“You will each get one wish,” said the genie.

Lloyd offers to go first.

“I want an impenetrable wall built around the entire state of Michigan so that none of those stupid Ohioans can ever get in. I want it as far down into the ground as it is high, and I want it to be completely sealed in so that we can finally have our peace!”

The genie grants the wish to Lloyd and he is instantly whisked away to his new paradise.

The genie now tells Tressel he’ll grant him one wish.

Tressel says, “Fill it up with water.”

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