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Cop-killer petition..


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Is it possible for someone to get parole after they receive two life sentances?I did not think it was.I was under the impression that the judge made the decision during sentencing weather or not there would be possibility of parole.Why would any judge give multiple life sentences with the possibility of parole?

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You know this whole thing really pisses me off. you do a crime, go through the court system, get your punishment and go to jail. there should be NO way for you to get out early, for any reason. good behavior, no fights, ect. by the way how hard is it to be good in jail. you cant do shit. if you get a life sentence like this guy did. that should be it! your life is now over as you know it.

also, if you do get a life sentence you should just be put on death row. your going to spend the rest of your life in prison anyway. it costs so much to keep people behind bars. it costs the tax payers on average $45/day to have a prisoner in jail. so on average that is about $16,500per year. if our country is in such money problems and they want to raise gas prices, and taxes, and god knows what else, just do away with some of these prisoners. you should be allowed to just sit in jail if you are in that situation, and they should not tell you when your time is up.

this man that is trying to get out should NOT in any way get out. he took the life of a man, he should not even have the freedom of breathing anymore.

this is just my $.02 so you can comment on it or tell me that i am wrong, either way but this is what i believe.

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yea it would be nice to go visit him, but he should have followed the law like the rest of us. he fucked up, now he should have to pay. it is not your fault, your moms fault, or anybody elses fault but his. i think that this would make people think more before they pulled the trigger, or grabbed that bat to fuck somebody up. the family of the victim goes both ways. somebody gets hurt, and somebody goes to jail. there are 2 victims

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I signed this at about 2 in the morning, and sent it to 8 people in my email list. Just now out of boredome I looked through the list since I signed and saw five of the 8's sig. I'm sure they sent it to more people... etc. Its pretty amazing how quickly things travel now days. Yes I'm really bored.

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Yes Yota we could debate this all day long and come up with all sorts of facts from either side. That would be just too american. I say lets embrace the tactics of the global warming crowd and declare that the debate is over because more than twenty percent of us say burn the bastard asap and lite a fire under his ass now before anyone can use wickapedia. I believe that if the consequences were harsh enough for murder than the only ones that would think of doing it would be the Bonnie and Clydes of the world and they are allot easier to spot in the streets. When you step over the line and kill someone in cold blood or over some Nike's then you have lost respect for human life and you are a danger to society. I dont care if you have been saved or have given yourself over to god or some bs like that. You had your chance to live amongst a civil society and you failed big time. One strike and you should be out.

LIFE MEANS LIFE and not "until you realize you have been a bad boy".

You knew it was wrong and yet you killed another. I have no respect for you or the crappy parent that raised you. Yes we are wasting allot of time and money on the prisons and the retrials for the death chamber, but no one seems to remember that you can use a slipknot over and over again and it takes no electricity or drugs to make it work... but a flaming pile of murderer is so much fun to look at.:p

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Yes Yota we could debate this all day long and come up with all sorts of facts from either side. That would be just too american. I say lets embrace the tactics of the global warming crowd and declare that the debate is over because more than twenty percent of us say burn the bastard asap and lite a fire under his ass now before anyone can use wickapedia. I believe that if the consequences were harsh enough for murder than the only ones that would think of doing it would be the Bonnie and Clydes of the world and they are allot easier to spot in the streets. When you step over the line and kill someone in cold blood or over some Nike's then you have lost respect for human life and you are a danger to society. I dont care if you have been saved or have given yourself over to god or some bs like that. You had your chance to live amongst a civil society and you failed big time. One strike and you should be out.

LIFE MEANS LIFE and not "until you realize you have been a bad boy".

You knew it was wrong and yet you killed another. I have no respect for you or the crappy parent that raised you. Yes we are wasting allot of time and money on the prisons and the retrials for the death chamber, but no one seems to remember that you can use a slipknot over and over again and it takes no electricity or drugs to make it work... but a flaming pile of murderer is so much fun to look at.:p

I agree he shouldn't be allowed out for any reason. Like previously said I don't get the point of 2 life sentences; personally I think it should just be the death penalty at that point.

OT - Man you must either really have wood for the whole global warming debate or you swing from Limbaugh's nut or something. That's not the first time I've seen you bring it up in posts.

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I agree he shouldn't be allowed out for any reason. Like previously said I don't get the point of 2 life sentences; personally I think it should just be the death penalty at that point.

OT - Man you must either really have wood for the whole global warming debate or you swing from Limbaugh's nut or something. That's not the first time I've seen you bring it up in posts.

Dont swing from his nuts but would be happy standing next to the man as I did with Glenn Beck. I do have it out for the global warming debate because it is a pack of lies. Dont get fooled by a slick politician that doesent live by his own rules. Sorry back to death row talk.

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I understand how everyone feels but it's not just "cop killers" who get parole. I have a friend who was molested by her step father from age 8-12. He was sentenced to prison for life. After 14 years he got out. They said he was "reformed". Can we say stupidity? 6 months later he got put back in prison for another year only b/c he was carrying around pics of his new gf's daughter. Who knows what he was doing to this little girl behind closed doors. I don't believe in second chances when it comes to murder and pediphilia. We reap what we sow. Well there's my 2 cents....

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I always thought they should sell raffle ticket to see who gets to "throw the switch" and give the money to the victims family of (insert good cause here) oh well I put them to work making roads or some shit, we might as well get our moneys worth out of them

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