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That's the second one I've seen this week. I saw one early Saturday morning. And I just saw one tonight. I had time to look it up, it was in Ophiuchus, (the Serpent Bearer) which was around M10 headed toward M12 & M14. Which was in the plane of the elliptic. That means it was probably a chunk of space junk falling out of orbit.

Anyway, pretty unusual to see two the same week. But there are a lot of meteorites this time of year. And they happen at times that people are outside and might see them.

edit: yeah yeah, I know... it's a meteor. Meteorites actually hit the ground...

Edited by ReconRat
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How do you figure out this M10, M14, M12, thing. I see lots of them where I live but I have know nothing about M10 locations.

I used Google Sky on my phone. Or similar apps. And just hold the phone up to the night sky to see what I'm looking at. I know a few, but I don't have all that night sky memorized. M10 etc are Messier objects from the dawn of astronomy.



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