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Crap, I'm one of the 53%. You know, the part of the population that pays for everything. Why aren't we in control? Does this need to change?

Don't get me wrong, all nations have a "47%", that's just the way it is.

We take care of them, it's who we are. Good people at heart.

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Crap, I'm one of the 53%. You know, the part of the population that pays for everything. Why aren't we in control? Does this need to change?

Don't get me wrong, all nations have a "47%", that's just the way it is.

We take care of them, it's who we are. Good people at heart.

I think you severely overestimate the percentage, mittens

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I think you severely overestimate the percentage, mittens

I think not. I saw the estimates years ago. It really has nothing to do with any of the current politicians, and everything to do with society. Ours, as well as most Euro nations.

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Mag, you said worthless, not I. Go call somebody else names.

FIJI, the 47% is a normal part of society. It's absolutely part of who we all are. I've been part of the 47% multiple times. Unemployed or on GI Bill. Both of those count. Or adult student that isn't earning an income. Or part time worker earning below the taxable levels. We all do it. Add in retired folk, and disabled people. That's most of it.

edit: oops, I forgot incarcerated prisoners. I haven't been one of those...

They generally don't pay federal income taxes, and shouldn't with a low income. They do get to pay all those other sneaky taxes like fuel, sales tax, and stuff like that.

The question is, what part should they play in governing the country. Of course, we'd have to ask that about just about everyone, since the general opinion seems to be the country isn't governed very well.

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I was thinking about retired citizens. And basically, anyone that can make it to age 65 should earn the right to vote. These are our elders, after all. Wouldn't they know more about important stuff than the rest of us?

In 1900, only 30% of the American population reached age 65.

Now 70% of the American population reaches age 65.

Due to growth of population, the over 65 is only 12.8% of the population in 2010.

But that will steadily increase over time until population growth stabilizes.

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I dunno, I'm trying to find info on employment after retirement. I guess I'd be interested in that soon. I know some that sell oil paintings, write books, work on stuff, own their own businesses. Some do consulting and some do lecture tours. I've known people to take another engineering job for another contract 5 years, for a rather decent extra retirement check. But what percent and effect is it overall, I don't know.

Actually a number of friends simply live off the investment income. They just work the stock market to make a good living. They pay some pretty heavy taxes doing that.

edit: ok, found it in a US Senate pdf on aging. 33% of men and 25% of women between age 65 and 69 are employed.

That's not bad considering that only 53% work in the first place. Roughly half to two thirds are full time.

So the effective percentages are 62% and 47% continue working, if they were working before.

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i dont think he's saying they are worthless, just that they expect too much for nothing...

This 47% includes retirees who spent their whole lives contributing to society, college students who end up paying 10's of thousands to become better contributors, and soldiers at war who may or may not come home in a coffin.

I hate how they expect to get too much for nothing.

That's not bad considering that only 53% work in the first place. Roughly half to two thirds are full time.

The "47%" estimate is not people without jobs, it's people who don't pay federal income tax. The statistic his very simplified, though. Those people aren't free loaders, they pay state and local income taxes, sales taxes, payroll taxes, etc. In fact, lower income earners pay a higher percent of their taxes than the rich do in medicare, sales tax, social security, property taxes, etc.

In the same way that Mitt Romney uses the tax law to end up with a lower effective federal tax rate than I do, the 47% end up with no federal tax liability once deductions and credits are accounted for.

The question is, what part should they play in governing the country. Of course, we'd have to ask that about just about everyone, since the general opinion seems to be the country isn't governed very well.

They should pay the same role that anyone else plays. What other role would they play?

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