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Wow... 1 in 5 now has no religious affiliation...


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Agnostic in my opinion means you believe in god. A lot of people I know who are agnostic are that way because "just in case". If you refuse to not believe in god because you fear what might happen if you don't, then you believe in god.

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Agnostic in my opinion means you believe in god. A lot of people I know who are agnostic are that way because "just in case". If you refuse to not believe in god because you fear what might happen if you don't, then you believe in god.

I don't think that's quite accurate...

but then this is one of the reasons pascal's wager was never very effective on me.

feigning belief because you fear the consequences isn't really belief.

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Agnostic is the belief that you don't know what is out there. It is more that you are not discounting the possibility of a higher power. I understand it as believing you don't know and can't know.

But yes, many use it as a safety net. At least it allows them to have their own beliefs, attitudes, and values.

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well there are 2 types of agnosticism, temporary agnosticism in practice (we don't have enough evidence one way or the other YET) and permanent agnosticism in principle (there will never be any evidence, and the question of evidence is absurd)

While I am technically part of the second category, I'm about as close as one could get to atheism. I'm not 100% sure there are no gods anywhere in the universe, but I live my life as if there are none.

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Third question is easy, fossils... stars billions of lightyears from earth...

Evidence that the earth is a lot older than the bible suggests, and that the surrounding universe is older still..

Ah yes.....the fossils. You do realize that "man" made the amount of time in the day, week, month and years don't you? Just because the Bible says God made everything in 6 days, doesn't mean it was actually 6 days. God has no concept of time, only we do. Just throwing that out there. Who says there can't be civil conversations on religion and what not, this seems to be going pretty well IMHO. And I am not some holy roller by any means, just enjoy conversations on the matter is all.

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Ah yes.....the fossils. You do realize that "man" made the amount of time in the day, week, month and years don't you? Just because the Bible says God made everything in 6 days, doesn't mean it was actually 6 days. God has no concept of time, only we do. Just throwing that out there. Who says there can't be civil conversations on religion and what not, this seems to be going pretty well IMHO. And I am not some holy roller by any means, just enjoy conversations on the matter is all.

well, if your contention is that the length of a "day" isn't determined by how long god wanted it to take for the sun to travel across the sky (or in reality the earth to rotate on it's axis) then what would you propose as an alternative?

If there is an alternative, why use the word "day"?

disproving parts of the bible isn't a difficult task, but there are concepts of god that appear not to be tied to a bible. The idea that this being is outside of the universe or outside of time.

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well, if your contention is that the length of a "day" isn't determined by how long god wanted it to take for the sun to travel across the sky (or in reality the earth to rotate on it's axis) then what would you propose as an alternative?

If there is an alternative, why use the word "day"?

I'm sure it depends on where God was standing...Probably not actually on Earth at the time. Mercury's day is roughly 58 Earth-days.

ETA: Aside...Which is roughly what 1 day in Woodward, Oklahoma seems like.

Edited by Coyote
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God creates world in 6 days. God converses with man on a daily basis. Man is unable to catalog these events' date=' as typography and script had yet to be developed. Woman screws the pooch by eating an apple offered to her by a talking snake, that before it was punished, walked on legs. So, not a snake, but kind of a snake. God wipes out mankind, with the exception of Noah and his kin, with a great flood. All records of creation having been destroyed in the tidal wave of God's love. Fast-forward to 2012...and we know, in fact, that the bible is the unwavering word o the almighty. We know this because 2000+ years of the telephone-on-a-string game can't be wrong.

Am I up to speed, thus far?[/quote']

Just about.

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God creates world in 6 days. God converses with man on a daily basis. Man is unable to catalog these events' date=' as typography and script had yet to be developed. Woman screws the pooch by eating an apple offered to her by a talking snake, that before it was punished, walked on legs. So, not a snake, but kind of a snake. God wipes out mankind, with the exception of Noah and his kin, with a great flood. All records of creation having been destroyed in the tidal wave of God's love. Fast-forward to 2012...and we know, in fact, that the bible is the unwavering word o the almighty. We know this because 2000+ years of the telephone-on-a-string game can't be wrong.

Am I up to speed, thus far?[/quote']

Not quite. There was no apple and there was no snake. Just metaphors to communicate a concept.

Also, you forgot about that part where Adam and Eve got busy for Cain and Abel. Cain kills Abel and then has a good time with his mom and sisters to begat everyone else. So, I guess incest is ok by biblical terms? Or, it just didn't happen as the storybook says.

Agnostic here but I do "believe in the soul, the cock, the pussy, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald didn't act alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days."

Crash Davis Bull Durham with edits

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Religion can be a good thing in that it gets people to explore their spiritual side. It's the part where most religions tell their followers what to believe (in great detail) that's not in the best interest of humankind. It seems that most (but not all) religions teach hate in one way or another. I try my best not to hate the haters.

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There’s an old story of a saint walking down the road, a peaceful smile on his face. A farmer sees him: “Where are you going dear saint?” he says. “I’m going to start a religious movement,” replies the saint, and carries on his way. Then the farmer sees the Devil walking some distance behind the saint but obviously following him. “But you,” says the farmer, “where are you going, and why are you following him?” “Me?” replies the Devil with a cunning grin, “Why, isn’t it obvious? He’s going to start a religious movement – and I’m going to help him organize it!”

Spirituality - the belief in a higher power.

Religion - organized philosophical dogma that displaces spirituality.

Edited by Strictly Street
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