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Well, at least he felt safe...


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Theres a bigger picture also to the public owning guns......... Also. Its the very reason a foreign country hasnt tried to put boots on our soil. But as far as owning a gun..... Always will. Dont have one but the night stand but i do have a sword........ Dont have a pistol as yet but will eventually. Its a right....... The other reason for the second ammendment is to keep the goverment in check.

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Theres a bigger picture also to the public owning guns......... Also. Its the very reason a foreign country hasnt tried to put boots on our soil. But as far as owning a gun..... Always will. Dont have one but the night stand but i do have a sword........ Dont have a pistol as yet but will eventually. Its a right....... The other reason for the second ammendment is to keep the goverment in check.

Since I do not have enough time to complete a response....THIS

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Theres a bigger picture also to the public owning guns......... Also. Its the very reason a foreign country hasnt tried to put boots on our soil.

Maybe 30 years ago... now with the precision our military has with the technology embedded in missiles and bombers... no country in the world would invade us "straight up" which is why the tiny groups that do hate us use very small tactical attacks, and mostly on civilians. No country is going toe to toe with the united states, even if no civilians were carrying guns.

But as far as owning a gun..... Always will. Dont have one but the night stand but i do have a sword........ Dont have a pistol as yet but will eventually. Its a right....... The other reason for the second ammendment is to keep the goverment in check.

This line of thought ALWAYS cracks me up...

let's say just for the sake of argument that the government decided you reimbrandt, specifically, were a threat to them. And let's say that they unilaterally decided to eliminate that threat... Do you think it would be that they come to your house and announce, "we are here to eliminate you, please prepare for a firefight" then wait for you to draw your weapon?

Wouldn't it be easier to just hit your house with a small bomb and declare that it was a gas leak.

or if they wanted to make it personal, show up to your house with a tactical team while you sleep?

how much of a threat does your little pistol REALLY have against the most powerful military on the planet?


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sure, this thread, a little bit of trolling, but it's a larger point I really do agree with.

Guns have the capacity to make a simple misunderstanding into a tragedy.

I don't mind conversations about controversail topics. However a conversation implies some exchange of ideas, perhaps resulting in a gain of knowledge of understanding.

I don't know you personally, just the image you project online. Your posts read like an activit that is highly stubborn and convinced you are right. Which is a really annoying combination. Some may agree with you, some may not. It's OK, get over it.

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Maybe 30 years ago... now with the precision our military has with the technology embedded in missiles and bombers... no country in the world would invade us "straight up" which is why the tiny groups that do hate us use very small tactical attacks, and mostly on civilians. No country is going toe to toe with the united states, even if no civilians were carrying guns.

This line of thought ALWAYS cracks me up...

let's say just for the sake of argument that the government decided you reimbrandt, specifically, were a threat to them. And let's say that they unilaterally decided to eliminate that threat... Do you think it would be that they come to your house and announce, "we are here to eliminate you, please prepare for a firefight" then wait for you to draw your weapon?

Wouldn't it be easier to just hit your house with a small bomb and declare that it was a gas leak.

or if they wanted to make it personal, show up to your house with a tactical team while you sleep?

how much of a threat does your little pistol REALLY have against the most powerful military on the planet?


Tribesmen and goat herdsmen with no education and no training are doing a decent job of making themselves a pain in our militarys ass. Bit do you really think that any military service member is going to follow am order to fire on a citizen of the is on our soil?

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Tribesmen and goat herdsmen with no education and no training are doing a decent job of making themselves a pain in our militarys ass.

Hardly, 2000 casualties in over 10 years, more people die every year from falling alseep and drowning in their soup bowls

Bit do you really think that any military service member is going to follow am order to fire on a citizen of the is on our soil?

Yes, ABSOLUTELY and without a doubt. I don't even think they need to be ordered to. A serviceman would absolutely fire on a citizen, an unarmed citizen, let alone a citizen brandishing a firearm...let alone under orders to do so...



BTW I am utterly flabbergasted that you have SUCH distrust for the government (officials elected by the people) Yet so much trust in the military (random people who signed up to be soldiers as their desired profession).

Edited by magley64
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Theres a bigger picture also to the public owning guns......... Also. Its the very reason a foreign country hasnt tried to put boots on our soil. But as far as owning a gun..... Always will. Dont have one but the night stand but i do have a sword........ Dont have a pistol as yet but will eventually. Its a right....... The other reason for the second ammendment is to keep the goverment in check.

This is laughably inaccurate, and shows a massive lack of historical understanding.

The reason a foreign country hasn't put boots on American soil in a full/half/any-scale invasion is simple: No one wants to poke the largest military in the world in such a way that the other allies of that military will all rally to our aid. It's not because you have a gun under your pillow (although an exception can be made for bowdog), it's because people who actually have a grasp on history understand that an American response reminiscent of WWII could happen again, and, in fact, almost did following 9/11 (Article 5 of the NATO treaty was invoked, look it up).

But hey, if keeping a pistol or a claymore under your pillow at night makes you sleep a little better, then more power to you. But please, if you're going to project your feelings of superiority just because you're packing heat (or blade, as it were), make sure they have a little factual accuracy.

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Ten years.... do you think our government wants a ten year civil war here? You think outlet military will look down the sights and see family members and friends and do it? You are delusional.


That's my point, when a military member looks down the sight, they don't see a friend or a family member, they don't see a living breathing human being with hopes and dreams and aspirations, they see a "target" to be eliminated.(period)

If you think that a member of the military would refrain from firing on a military target because he got all warm and emotional all of a sudden, you're the one who is delusional.

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That's my point, when a military member looks down the sight, they don't see a friend or a family member, they don't see a living breathing human being with hopes and dreams and aspirations, they see a "target" to be eliminated.(period)

If you think that a member of the military would refrain from firing on a military target because he got all warm and emotional all of a sudden, you're the one who is delusional.

Have you served?

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Have you served?

Nope, I'm not a killer, I'm not a soldier, and I'm not all that keen on following orders.

But, my dad went to paris island, my cousin has been in the army for 10 years now, one of my best friends was navy for 8 years... I've got a pretty good grip on what the score is.

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You don't give our soldiers much credit.

On the contrary, I give them enormous credit. They are the most lethal and effective military force on the planet... bar none.

Individual soldiers are not there to make decisions about whether an order is to be followed or not...they follow orders, that's what makes them effective.

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Nope, I'm not a killer, I'm not a soldier, and I'm not all that keen on following orders.

But, my dad went to paris island, my cousin has been in the army for 10 years now, one of my best friends was navy for 8 years... I've got a pretty good grip on what the score is.

I am afraid your 'grip' is highly innaccurate. The scary part is that you're convinced you are right.

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So you assume you cousin would come back to his home town and kill any citizen told too?

Yep, he would definitely eliminate any military target to which he was ordered. He's very effective, and very determined.

Any town in iraq, any town in afghanistan, any town in germany, your hometown, my hometown, if there is a military target there, and he gets ordered to eliminate it...it's gone.

Edited by magley64
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Its not a military target its just a guy with a pistol who can legally own it. Its not war it's on our own soil. But like tpoppa said you have convinced yourself you are right so its like arguing with a child all over again.

Back to regular magley programming. Guns are bad.....

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Yep, he would definitely eliminate any military target to which he was ordered. He's very effective, and very determined.

...and unfortunately very misguided.

The role of the military is not to blindly follow orders. And much though goes into the orders that are given.

Of course their are bad apples in every group.

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The role of the military is not to blindly follow orders.

It's not? Please enlighten me...

I'm not familiar with your warm and fuzzy military of equals so let's start a committee and talk about how/when/ or even whether this order should be followed.

They must not have article 92

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Ten years.... do you think our government wants a ten year civil war here? You think outlet military will look down the sights and see family members and friends and do it? You are delusional. Keep trolling.


I don't understand, how did we get to a 10-year civil war?

Also, nice link to the Oath Keepers. When you've made it to the Southern Poverty Law Center's radar, you done fucked up somewhere.

Magz, I'm sorry, but just because you know people who served doesn't mean you can automatically put yourself in the head of those that have. That's arrogant presumption at best.

That being said, I'm not concerned about bonafide military servicemen (in one of the 5 branches) processing orders to open fire with live rounds on American citizens. Posse Comitatus does a good enough job to protect the populous against the lion's share of soldiers. What I am concerned about is the almost giddy-ness of police to get in riot gear and crack a few skulls, as evidenced in the recent OWS ('member them?) protests, especially in NYC. All it takes is one cop to start firing, then all the others "come to his aid" and start opening fire as well. I can list more instances than OWS, there's the homeless guy in Seattle that was gunned down with his back to the SPD cop, the BART cop shooting in San Fran, the Ottawa Hills cop who shot a unarmed motorcyclist in the back, I can go on and on. Militarized police (or police using militarized thinking of "civvies" vs. officers) are already killing citizens, and in some instances are getting away with it. Where is your oath-keeping for those American citizens?

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