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LOL... Romnesia


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The president can't be accused of not having a sense of humor...

"Now that we're 18 days out from the election, Mr. 'Severely Conservative' wants you to think he was severely kidding about everything he said over the last year," the president said. "He told folks he was the ideal candidate for the Tea Party, now he's telling folks, 'What? Who me?' He's forgetting what his own positions are. And he's betting that you will too."

Continued the president, "he's changing up so much and backtracking and side stepping we've got to name this condition he's going through.

"I think it's called…'Romnesia,'" the president said to cheers and laughter.

"I'm not a medical doctor, but I do want to go over some of the symptoms with you because I want to make sure nobody else catches it,"

"If you say you're for equal pay for equal work but you keep refusing to say whether or not you'd sign a bill that protects equal pay for equal work, you might have Romnesia,"
If you say earlier in the year, 'I'm going to give a tax cut to the top one percent' and then in a debate you say 'I don't know anything about giving tax cuts to rich folks,' you need to get a thermometer a take your temperature, because you probably have Romnesia.
"If you say women should have access to contraceptive care but you support legislation that would let your employer deny you contraceptive care, you might have a case of Romnesia,"
"If you say you'll protect a woman's right to choose but you stand up at a primary debate and say that you'd be delighted to sign a law outlawing that right to choose in all cases, then you've definitely got Romnesia."
"If you say that you're a champion of the coal industry when, while you were governor, you stood in front of a coal plant and said 'this plant will kill you' -"

The crowd, for this one, chimed in "you probably have Romnesia," prompting the president to laugh and say, "that's some Romnesia."

Said the president, "if you come down with a case of Romnesia and you can't seem to remember the policies that are still on your website or the promises you've made over the six years you've been running for president, here's the good news: Obamacare covers pre-existing conditions!"

The crowd cheered ebulliently.

"We can fix you up!" said the president, who trails by seven points in the latest Gallup Daily Tracking Poll. "We've got a cure! We can make you well, Virginia!… This is a curable disease!"

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LOL...Obama lying about attacks in Benghazi...hilarious

LOL..."when 4 Americans get killed, it's not optimal"...hilarious

LOL...no time to meet with Netanyahu, attend intel briefings - but plenty of time to meet with the Pres. of the Muslim Brotherhood, party with Jay-Z, Beyonce at a fund raiser, go on Letterman...hilarious

LOL...welfare/aid payments up 32% (now at $746 billion, more than S.S., Medicare, or Defense) during this regime...hilarious

LOL...stimulus money sent overseas...hilarious

LOL...US debt rating cut from AAA...hilarious

LOL...Debt to GDP at 104%...hilarious

LOL...etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseum...hilarious

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i want to find a picture of a libertarian with obama's dick in his mouth, but i can't seem to find it. can someone, anyone halp? i dont want magz to think he's all alooooone in this world.

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LOL...Obama lying about attacks in Benghazi...hilarious

Lying? To what end?

LOL..."when 4 Americans get killed, it's not optimal"...hilarious

Are you saying it IS optimal?

LOL...no time to meet with Netanyahu, attend intel briefings - but plenty of time to meet with the Pres. of the Muslim Brotherhood, party with Jay-Z, Beyonce at a fund raiser, go on Letterman...hilarious

Him and bebe are tight, just ask biden...

LOL...welfare/aid payments up 32% (now at $746 billion, more than S.S., Medicare, or Defense) during this regime...hilarious

So you don't want a safetynet for the poor?

LOL...stimulus money sent overseas...hilarious

Name a president who Hasn't sent money overseas..

LOL...US debt rating cut from AAA...hilarious

Yes, that was the president's fault... because he voted in congress regarding that default...oh wait.... no he didn't

Also I'm not going to put a lot of faith in a rating by "standard and poors" since they gave all of those toxic mortgage securities a aaa rating, too...

LOL...Debt to GDP at 104%...hilarious

What percentage of that did he generate?

LOL...etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseum...hilarious

Yep the president did all of that...keep telling yourself rmoney will save you, rmoney will be better for you....eyeroll

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If making fun of people makes for a good president, then there's your ticket.

Otherwise, just a basic asshole like everyone else.

It's not like kicking a pair of crutches from under a cripple... it's just a funny way of pointing out how flip floppy his opponent is.

Sanctimonious much?

Maybe you should develop a sense of humor.

Edited by magley64
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Sorry for the lateness of my reply Mr. Magley - Jr. and I went to dinner, then the local H.S. football game, where we froze our asses off as we got soaked...

LOL...Obama lying about attacks in Benghazi...hilarious

Lying? To what end?

Is your question "why was he lying?", or "about what was he lying?"?

If it's the former, perhaps to cover his and his subordinates' complete and total incompetence, or that his backing of the so-called Arab Spring didn't garner him the adulation in that region that he desires.

If it's the latter, he told us for two weeks that it was some obscure film on Youtube that inspired a random act of uprising, when in fact it was a planned terrorist attack; and various departments knew of "something" coming and yet did nothing.

LOL..."when 4 Americans get killed, it's not optimal"...hilarious

Are you saying it IS optimal?

Not <my> quote, Dear Leader said that Wednesday or Thursday on Jon Stewart's show.

LOL...no time to meet with Netanyahu, attend intel briefings - but plenty of time to meet with the Pres. of the Muslim Brotherhood, party with Jay-Z, Beyonce at a fund raiser, go on Letterman...hilarious

Him and bebe are tight, just ask biden...

Yup, ignore our best ally, tell them they should go back to the 1967 land agreements, don't even bother to meet their Prime Minister, when he's on U.S. soil. Meanwhile, Israel's (and our) enemies in the region are progressing toward nuclear arms ability.

Great policy - just ignore it.

LOL...welfare/aid payments up 32% (now at $746 billion, more than S.S., Medicare, or Defense) during this regime...hilarious

So you don't want a safetynet for the poor?

Not when 1 in 7 people are on some form of public assistance, no.

Not when the eligibilty requirements keep expanding, allowing more people to become dependant upon the Government for help.

Not when benefits are advertised in Mexico.

Not when benefits are freely given to non-citizens who have no legal right whatsoever to be here.

LOL...stimulus money sent overseas...hilarious

Name a president who Hasn't sent money overseas..

The express purpose of the funds was to grow US business and to lower US unemployment, and much of it was instead given to "green" firms that promptly go bankrupt, or was sent overseas and created non-US jobs.

LOL...US debt rating cut from AAA...hilarious

Yes, that was the president's fault... because he voted in congress regarding that default...oh wait.... no he didn't

Also I'm not going to put a lot of faith in a rating by "standard and poors" since they gave all of those toxic mortgage securities a aaa rating, too...

A major factor in the downgrade was the $trillion+ deficit budget.

His party controlled both houses of Congress until the November 2010 mid-terms. Dear Leader proposed and got passed $trillion+ deficit budgets '10, 11, and '12.

We cannot continue to spend, spend, spend. You don't do that personally, neither do I. We sure as hell shouldn't stand by and watch the dopes in D.C. do it.

LOL...Debt to GDP at 104%...hilarious

What percentage of that did he generate?

Upon further looking, it appears relatively steady the past few years. Still <way> too darn high.

LOL...etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseum...hilarious

Yep the president did all of that...keep telling yourself rmoney will save you, rmoney will be better for you....eyeroll

I would vote for someone else (Johnson, Paul, Goode) if I weren't tossing away my vote.

Romney has experience in the business world and in government - as a governor, not a back-maker in state legislature.

Is he better than Dear Leader? Yes. imho.

Can't we get back to worrying about Big Bird? 'Cause that's important.

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It's not like kicking a pair of crutches from under a cripple... it's just a funny way of pointing out how flip floppy his opponent is.

Sanctimonious much?

Maybe you should develop a sense of humor.

weak.... try again

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Is your question "why was he lying?", or "about what was he lying?"?

i'll rephrase... what advantage would it have given him to lie about it? (assuming he knew it was pre-planned when he addressed the people)

to what end would lying help his case?

Upon further looking, it appears relatively steady the past few years. Still <way> too darn high.

look again... our deficit has been steadily declining since 09

I would vote for someone else (Johnson, Paul, Goode) if I weren't tossing away my vote.

and that is what the 2 party has you convinced of.... I'm voting for ron paul... The president is a distant 3rd choice for me, but I don't listen to the continuous spin machine from hannity as a factual account of what is really happening.

Romney has experience in the business world and in government - as a governor, not a back-maker in state legislature.

The united states government is not a business... it should not strive as businesses do, only to make a profit.

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i'll rephrase... what advantage would it have given him to lie about it? (assuming he knew it was pre-planned when he addressed the people)

to what end would lying help his case? look again... our deficit has been steadily declining since 09

and that is what the 2 party has you convinced of.... I'm voting for ron paul... The president is a distant 3rd choice for me, but I don't listen to the continuous spin machine from hannity as a factual account of what is really happening.

The united states government is not a business... it should not strive as businesses do, only to make a profit.

Soooooo much fail.......... just soooooo much fail.......... :wtf:

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LOL...Obama lying about attacks in Benghazi...hilarious

He didn't, this was already cleared up. He referred to it as terrorism the day after it happened.

LOL..."when 4 Americans get killed, it's not optimal"...hilarious

Context is important. "Not optimal" was John Stewart's phrasing, President Obama was merely parroting that phrasing.

LOL...no time to meet with Netanyahu, attend intel briefings - but plenty of time to meet with the Pres. of the Muslim Brotherhood, party with Jay-Z, Beyonce at a fund raiser, go on Letterman...hilarious

Also already cleared up. President Obama and Netanyahu were not in the same city on the same day, Netanyahu didn't request a meeting outside of NYC.

LOL...welfare/aid payments up 32% (now at $746 billion, more than S.S., Medicare, or Defense) during this regime...hilarious

I'm SHOCKED that welfare/aid payments are up during recession recovery. Simply shocked. Remember in 2001, when food stamp use when up 100%? And we weren't even in a recession.

LOL...stimulus money sent overseas...hilarious


LOL...US debt rating cut from AAA...hilarious

Cut from AAA because the Republicans in Congress made clear they were unwilling to let the Bush Tax Cuts expire.

"Compared with previous projections, our revised base case scenario now assumes that the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, due to expire by the end of 2012, remain in place. We have changed our assumption on this because the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues, a position we believe Congress reinforced by passing the act."

LOL...Debt to GDP at 104%...hilarious

See above. What do you think happens when you pay for two unfunded wars, and refuse to restore tax rates for a decade?


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The express purpose of the funds was to grow US business and to lower US unemployment, and much of it was instead given to "green" firms that promptly go bankrupt

Companies went bankrupt during a recession?

That's some crazy news right there. How many of them went bankrupt?

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He didn't, this was already cleared up. He referred to it as terrorism the day after it happened.

No he didnt and if you watched it, you know it. As you said.... "context" He was asked for months for more security and updated on extremist activity that justified it. It was denied. He was asked for back up when the attack started, it was denied. A drone was dispatched and the administration watched the attack in real time yet refused to help because they didnt want to offend any muslims who they may have won over during the rebellion. These actions are treasonous!

Context is important. "Not optimal" was John Stewart's phrasing, President Obama was merely parroting that phrasing.

Agreed, this phrase should never have been made into an issue.

Also already cleared up. President Obama and Netanyahu were not in the same city on the same day, Netanyahu didn't request a meeting outside of NYC.

It doesn't matter. Obama has been cold to Israel, said he wanted to put some daylight between our countries all while he coddles the Muslim brotherhood, even sending them over a billion dollars... their credo is "death to America"... again..... treasonous!

I'm SHOCKED that welfare/aid payments are up during recession recovery. Simply shocked. Remember in 2001, when food stamp use when up 100%? And we weren't even in a recession.

Obama maintains that the worst was when he took office and its been getting better ever since. Shouldn't public assistance have gone down for the last 4 years then???


Your point is moot. Taxpayer dollars should not be used to promote or fund private business domestically or internationally. As a byproduct of national security... its acceptable but not directly picking winners and losers.

Cut from AAA because the Republicans in Congress made clear they were unwilling to let the Bush Tax Cuts expire.

No it was cut because of unwillingness to get our spending under control. As I'm sure you know, the people Obama calls wealthy could be taxed at 100% and it would only run our government for 90 days. You cant tax your way to prosperity. The only way to prosper, to increase revenue, is to create an environment that companies can make a competitive product in. They have to know that the USA is the cheapest and easiest place to manufacture. ......... period.

"Compared with previous projections, our revised base case scenario now assumes that the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, due to expire by the end of 2012, remain in place. We have changed our assumption on this because the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues, a position we believe Congress reinforced by passing the act."

Read more:


Kennedy and Reagan both cut taxes, it spurred economic growth and increased overall revenue.

See above. What do you think happens when you pay for two unfunded wars, and refuse to restore tax rates for a decade?

Uh, we didn't pay for those wars. That will be up to our children to pay for.... we borrowed that money and then some. You are such a fan of high taxes, perhaps you can explain how increasing taxes on companies or investors spurs economic growth? Please dont use examples of tax rates from decades ago when the US was really the only place to manufacture and the only economic superpower as many countries have since decided to beat us at our own game by streamlining regulation, offering very low corporate taxes, often no capital gains tax and even lower wages and energy costs. How do we compete with those countries and lure business here by raising their cost??????

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You are such a fan of high taxes, perhaps you can explain how increasing taxes on companies or investors spurs economic growth?

Clinton, Boom... federal surplus rather than deficit...

Please dont use examples of tax rates from decades ago when the US was really the only place to manufacture and the only economic superpower as many countries have since decided to beat us at our own game by streamlining regulation, offering very low corporate taxes, often no capital gains tax and even lower wages and energy costs.

So no examples that are inconvenient to your argument...because china only started manufacturing things in 2000 Right?:rolleyes::nono:

How do we compete with those countries and lure business here by raising their cost??????

I got an Idea, let's build a whole bunch of those state of the art foxconn style factories...


millions of jobs will come roaring back

who cares if they are shit jobs that nobody wants, and the employees are constantly on suicide watch. Safety nets surround the dorms to keep people from jumping out their window to die in one last minor burst of enjoyment of life.

I think we should focus on better jobs for the united states, more investment in research, so we can build the stuff of the future here.

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So no examples that are inconvenient to your argument...because china only started manufacturing things in 2000 Right?:rolleyes::nono:

Since WWII many countries, especially asian countries have been luring companies to their shores by creating a business friendly environment. We have been in a decline ever since because we refuse to attempt to compete.

I think we should focus on better jobs for the united states, more investment in research, so we can build the stuff of the future here.

Thats a great idea but as long as you support high taxes, crippling regulation, high energy cost's and union scale wages, we are not going to manufacture anything here. Everything can be built much cheaper someplace else. Its not hard to understand, liberals just hate to hear it because if they cant take from someone else to support their lazy a$$, they may have to actually work for a living.

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What I'm saying is, I don't care if you drop tax rates to zero, you're not competing in the unskilled labor market against china and india... they get paid next to nothing, and no american can survive in an american lifestyle on what they earn.

So drop corp taxes to zero, we still get raped on direct labor costs. It's a worthless endeavor because nobody can afford to take those jobs.

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What I'm saying is, I don't care if you drop tax rates to zero, you're not competing in the unskilled labor market against china and india... they get paid next to nothing, and no american can survive in an american lifestyle on what they earn.

So drop corp taxes to zero, we still get raped on direct labor costs. It's a worthless endeavor because nobody can afford to take those jobs.

In effect, your also saying its useless to try to compete so you would rather sit here unemployed and wait until the rest of the world passes us economically at which point we will be glad to have any job.

I dont agree........

Decades ago, labor cost were a signifigant factor in the business model. With modern manufacturing technology, labor has been reduced but the start up cost increased. The prime concern is startup capital, taxes, regulation and energy. My last job published their cost stats, it showed labor was .02% of the cost of our product. Thats not even realy a concern. We can compete with other countries for jobs but we have to get the government (and liberals) out of the way.

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well, I'm not sure about your business, but I'm involved in quoting in our business.

Our cost breakdown is a little different than yours apparently.

70-75% of the cost is material

15-20% of the cost is direct labor

the other 10% is energy and overhead.

it's unskilled labor, and the only reason it hasn't left is because the cost of shipping is so high. Blow molded products are hollow and light. it doesn't take a whole lot of pieces to fill up a crate, so what you end up shipping is a lot of air.

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What I'm saying is, I don't care if you drop tax rates to zero, you're not competing in the unskilled labor market against china and india... they get paid next to nothing, and no american can survive in an american lifestyle on what they earn.

So drop corp taxes to zero, we still get raped on direct labor costs. It's a worthless endeavor because nobody can afford to take those jobs.

Now I know why you are always on the computer. Its a worthless endeavor for you to leave the house. :rolleyes:

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