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LOL... Romnesia


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True....... but I'm not wading into the weeds about individual actions or bills. One of our problems is that every piece of legislature out there has so much bull crap attached to it that anyone who ever voted for or against any issue has voted for something they didnt want or against something they did. You can point to any politician and call them a hypocrite as evidenced by their record. Till we vote on one issue at a time, everyone has to give up something to get something. I dont like, it needs changed but thats the way it is currently. Policy and direction, however, are debatable without wading into the weeds....... so to speak.

well you can't just make a general statement and then walk it back when called out on it... Republicans are quite capable of blocking every single bill the president has proposed, and for the most part they have. McConnell and Ryan have made the republican congressmen's intentions clear. The republicans in congress didn't want to balance the budget, they didn't want to spur job growth, they didn't want to make life easier for working folks... no, none of that... they wanted to make Barack Obama a 1 term president... plain and simple

Additionally they would never block a tax decrease unless it had a ton of liberal BS attached to it.

this is the statement you're hinging your argument on... That's a broad brush you have there....

Edited by magley64
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I'm gonna disagree. I dont consider the average democrat to be liberal. I take every opportunity to discuss issues with democrats. I've found that most times, most democrats agree with the republican platform on the issues but insist on voting democrat because their union told them to or the government agency they work for told them to and they really dont pay attention to politics or economics so they just go along with what they are told.

That's sooooo weird. Because it's like the same thing for me when I talk to Republicans. Except instead of their "union" it's their church or pastor, or they insist because one candidate says the words "small business" more than the other one, that candidate must be better, since he's using the right buzzwords. Mathematics, facts, and policies be damned!

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I've found that most times, most democrats agree with the republican platform on the issues but insist on voting democrat because their union told them to or the government agency they work for told them to and they really dont pay attention to politics or economics so they just go along with what they are told.

This makes little to no sense. First of all, most Democrats aren't union are neither union workers or government employees. Secondly, if most Democrats agreed with the Republican platform on the issues, they'd be Republicans, or the Democratic platform, which is modified and voted upon by delegates who represent their interests, which reflect those beliefs.

Most Democrats are pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, believe that a strong federal government can do good, believe in a progressive tax system tax cuts go to the middle class and not millionaires, embryonic stem cell research and universal health care, all of which are counter to the Republican Party Platform.

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Most Democrats are pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, believe that a strong federal government can do good, believe in a progressive tax system tax cuts go to the middle class and not millionaires, embryonic stem cell research and universal health care, all of which are counter to the Republican Party Platform.

Not that I talk to..... If they are active in politics, as in working or volunteering for the democratic party then yes but not the average democratic voter.

Never the less, as I write this Obama has already won the presidency so its all irrelevant for now.

So we shall continue down the same path.

Increasing government dependency

Increasing debt

Increasing energy and gasoline cost

21 new taxes shall be begin

Government shall make personal healthcare choices

Continued job losses

decreasing tax revenue

Erosion or elimination of constitutional individual rights

Oh, Congratulations on your win and the ability to further this hard fought agenda.

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Increasing government dependency

Increasing debt

Increasing energy and gasoline cost

21 new taxes shall be begin

Government shall make personal healthcare choices

Continued job losses

decreasing tax revenue

Erosion or elimination of constitutional individual rights

Government dependency is decreasing since the collapse of our economy.

Obama has been steadily decreasing the deficit since 09.

Gasoline prices are global commodity prices, the president can't do much if anything about it.

Which 21 taxes are you referring?

define "personal healthcare choices" you mean like contraception coverage?

Jobs have been increasing steadily over the past few years, or haven't you been paying attention?

Decreasing tax revenue, well the president is planning on fixing that... Romney wanted nothing to do with it.

Erosion of rights? you mean like how you can now carry a firearm into a state park?

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Government dependency is decreasing since the collapse of our economy.

Our economy has not collapsed yet. The increasing dependency as evidenced by the rise from 30 million to over 46 million under Obama

Obama has been steadily decreasing the deficit since 09.

The deficit and the debt have sharply increased under Obama.

Gasoline prices are global commodity prices, the president can't do much if anything about it.

The devaluing of the dollar by printing money to cover the our debt spending requires other countries to ask for more of those dollars for their product. (Study Argentina economic collapse)

Which 21 taxes are you referring?

The 21 new taxes that fund the healthcare bill that dont take effect till after the election. You already received the benefit, now you get the bill.

define "personal healthcare choices" you mean like contraception coverage?

No, like what procedures you are allowed to have, second opinions, whether or not you are worth an expensive procedure. Or as my mother found out this morning while trying to make a doctors appointment, her doctor is no longer accepting government payments like medicare, its not worth it any longer and she was turned away.

Jobs have been increasing steadily over the past few years, or haven't you been paying attention?

Jobs have not even kept pace with population growth.

Decreasing tax revenue, well the president is planning on fixing that...

Watch the actual numbers and let me know how that works out. You need to increase the GDP and lower the trade deficit both of which he has been working very hard to move the wrong direction.

Erosion of rights? you mean like how you can now carry a firearm into a state park?

Lets see how you feel after a couple more supreme court justices are appointed and redefine some of your rights for you......

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