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Anyone ever hear of Bikesponsors.com?


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My buddy down the street says he was approached by a guy when he was in Cleveland last week. He said the guy asked him about getting a bike sponsorship. Long story short, he applied for this "sponsorship" at their website last week and heard back from their site that he was approved all he had to do was activate his account by paying $140 up front then he would get the option to get anything based on their pricing tier up to $250 with a total maximum of $5000. I went over and looked at the page and it looks fairly legit but we all know shit like this could always be a scam. He doesn't do track days and is a straight up street rider. I find it hard to believe that a company would offer a sponsorship to someone who doesn't do trackdays. In return for the sponsorship he has to record a video and either post it or get it to the site administrators.

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First I've heard of this, but it does sound odd as a business idea.......offering a discount in exchange for a large membership fee doesn't add up as a benefit for the consumer. Good lookin out James

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i had a buddy who got scammed by a group called SCP or sport compact pro back in last 90's early 2000 when imports really hit bike thanks to FnF same premise, but no spending cap... sponsorship fee was like 150.. then discounted parts and free swag...


this is exactly what I was thinking of.

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It's not a scam, it's just a shitty deal.

You have to do a bunch of dumb shit to get your "free" stuff and discounts. An example would be I get "sponsored" with some product, and then I have to do a video review of it and post it online. Once i get so many hits, they reimburse me for the purchase.

Most people will have to work really hard to get anything for free.

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carsponsorships.com did the same thing in the early 2000's. I bought in because a friend had it and I knew I could get a bigger discount on the product that I wanted then what I payed in. Still felt like a ripoff in the end and they bugged me to renew forever it seemed like

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