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Earth Hour 08? WTF?


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I drove my big dog dually Diesel to work, made a fire in the wood burner when i got home and just for spite I thru away all my recyclables

I don't care like you, but I always recycle. We got enough trash, let alone the faggots that throw it out their windows too. I get road rage when I see someone throw trash out their fucking car window. Don't trash my home!

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I try to cut down on waste. Turn lights off when not in the room, recycle when I can, pick up trash/litter when I see it, etc. But good God people are stupid. An hour of lights out does nothing. Nothing. That's like those people who say "let's boycott Exxon!". Fucking geniuses we have here....

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I try to cut down on waste. Turn lights off when not in the room, recycle when I can, pick up trash/litter when I see it, etc. But good God people are stupid. An hour of lights out does nothing. Nothing. That's like those people who say "let's boycott Exxon!". Fucking geniuses we have here....

An hour of no lights does nothing??? Think about the number of homes in the US and if everyone turned out their lights for 1 hr.. Whether you believe it or not, that is a significant reduction in the amount of power being used..

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the electricty is being generated weather we use it or not. they are still gonna be using the coal to or what ever to make it at the same rate.

Actually they generate based on trends but the power is actually stored so if your not pulling from the storage then there is no need to generate as much to dump back into storage. By storage, I am talking about large capicitors, batts, etc. Power does not go straight from a generator to your home..

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Actually they generate based on trends but the power is actually stored so if your not pulling from the storage then there is no need to generate as much to dump back into storage. By storage, I am talking about large capicitors, batts, etc. Power does not go straight from a generator to your home..

i understand that but dont you think that there is a definate rate as to how much coal per hour they are using and its prob not gonna vary, they still shoveled the same amount of solid black gold that they would have.

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i understand that but dont you think that there is a definate rate as to how much coal per hour they are using and its prob not gonna vary, they still shoveled the same amount of solid black gold that they would have.

Im sure their are.. Im just saying that if everyone actually did the 1 hr lights out thing, they would see a huge difference in power consumption and would have to adjust how much power they generate as they would not want to generate more then what then what they can actively store as it would be a business loss.

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I don't care like you, but I always recycle. We got enough trash, let alone the faggots that throw it out their windows too. I get road rage when I see someone throw trash out their fucking car window. Don't trash my home!

That's the way I am. If I see someone toss something out their window I pull up beside them and just start shaking my head and give them the I'm disgusted look.

I try to cut down on waste. Turn lights off when not in the room, recycle when I can, pick up trash/litter when I see it, etc. But good God people are stupid. An hour of lights out does nothing. Nothing. That's like those people who say "let's boycott Exxon!". Fucking geniuses we have here....

The rule in our house is if you aren't in the room you turn it off. We also do a couple of other small things like short showers and not leaving the water running when shaving or doing the dishes.

I wouldn't say it does nothing. If millions and millions did actually turn off their power the would be a minor short lived affect. Mostly though the affect is awareness. If they didn't stage Earth Hour we would be talking about something else like Iraq, presidential nominations or Benyen's sheep fetish.

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